I'm gonna rant on here rather than engage within this conversation on facebook but its boiled my piss ROYALLY

As the brits would say 'bloody livid mate'
So for all my beef with the local neighbourhood watch groups (lots of racism, classicism and the occasional homophobe) there was one account in there, a 13 yr old kid doing autism advocacy.
Like, peaceful but informative and challenging. (How twitter could be if you all stopped fighting each other and trying to burn down sainsbury's)

The sorta stuff you hit a like react and get on with your day
So was very disturbed to see a 'your autism isnt my autism so fuck you' in response to a bloody child!
I get it. But also......imagine seeing a kid being positive and wholesome.

(Though the debate of kids being in such a toxic environment online is something else entirely)

Who'd of thought rees finlay would be defending online autism advocacy.
Fb user: Was getting called out part of your plan?
Rees: Of course.
Fb user: Well congratulations, you got yourself caught. Now what's the next step of your master plan?
Rees: Crashing this thread — with no survivors!
Autism bane strikes again
And the kids like "thanks for having my back"

And I'm like "oh nono"
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