Tw: psychiatric restraint.

Hi friends, found another really distributing part of the ISSTD guidelines today about the use of restraints. This is incredibly upsetting. Most of this thread is quotes from a study detailing the harms and risks of restraint. Please read with caution.
Tw: psychiatric restraint, forced medication.

"During inpatient treatment, seclusion and physical or chemical restraints may be required for the DID patient who is behaving violently toward himself or herself or others."
They continue on to admit "Unfortunately, restraint and seclusion may be traumatizing to all patients, let alone those with preexisting posttraumatic psychopathologies."

The rest of the paragraph talks about how some hospitals are trying to avoid restraint due to this.
Tw: restraint.
Yes, ISSTD, restraint is traumatizing! Restraint violates consent and autonomy in a way that's incredibly invasive and harmful, especially for trauma survivors who already struggle with this! We know far too many people who've been traumatized from restraint.
TW: death, restraint.

Futhermore, both physical and chemical restraint can be deadly. Here's a very detailed study, which funnily enough, was published in the same year as the current ISSTD guidelines.

This study is very upsetting. Click carefully.
TW: restraint

Quotes from the study:

"In studies of the experiences of people who have been restrained, not surprisingly, most viewed the experience very negatively, describing feelings of anger, fright, humiliation, demoralization, bitterness, disorientation and sadness."
TW: restraint

"Many reported that the worst part of being restrained was the profound sense of powerlessness and helplessness. For others, [it] resulted in an overwhelming sense of vulnerability and fear because they were unable to protect themselves from potential assaults."

"The lack of staff recognition of the impact of past psychological, sexual or physical trauma... as evidenced by the cases where such trauma should have precluded the use of restraint, raises additional concerns regarding the adequacy of training provided to staff."

"The use of restraint... to respond to aggressive or self-injurious behaviors... can present serious, even fatal, risks to the individuals being restrained. Even where restraints are used w functioning equipment & well-trained staff... serious harm can still occur."
TW: restraint, *death.*

"Nearly 75% of those who died [due to restraint] had a psychiatric history, with the most common known diagnoses being schizophrenia, other psychotic disorders and mood disorders."
Tw: chemical restraint, forced medications, death.

This includes chemical restraint.
"In the majority of the deaths, medication was ordered either prior to or during the restraint, and in 89% of those instances, the medication was used as a chemical restraint."
Tw: Restraint

"Recognizing the key role of nursing staff in maintaining safety on a hospital unit, the American Psychiatric Nursing Association supports a sustained commitment to the reduction and ultimate elimination of seclusion and
TW: restraint, death

....and unsurprisingly, people of color were over-represented in who got restrained, and who died due to restraint.
Tw: restraint, death

Restraint's traumatizing. Restraint can be fatal. ISSTD should not be putting "During inpatient treatment, seclusion and physical or chemical restraints may be required for the DID patient" in their international treatment guidelines.
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