As somebody who has spent the last month going through over 80 applications for two esports jobs, I wanted to share some advice.

Here are a few tips for people interested in pursuing coaching within esports as a career path.
First. If you're in High School currently or entering your early college years...this is ABSOLUTELY a viable career path. Jobs (read: salary + benefits) might not be EVERYWHERE right now...but they will be. Professional and collegiate esports are both growing exponentially.
As those grow, jobs will be created.

There are only a handful of full time non director level esports gigs in the collegiate space right now. That will change. I promise you.

My job didn't exist when I was in college. It's possible that yours won't either.
Second. Get your education. Honestly. You might not like that it's a requirement for collegiate esports, but it often is. Universities use it as a metric towards your growth, commitment, and desire to better yourself.

My degree is in Law Enforcement and Homeland Sec.
Does my degree help, literally ever? No. Would I have this job without my degree? Absolutely not.

Finish your education.

Besides. If you don't pursue Esports, you've got a fall back. What should you major? Anything. Esports is about experience, not the degree.
With that being said, I'd advise business, marketing, management, sports management, broadcasting and journalism...

Something that will give you relevant experience that'll supplement your... experience.

So now let's talk point three. GET EXPERIENCE.
Coach AM teams. Coach your collegiate team. Coach pro teams. Coach 1:1 sessions. Coach your sister. I don't care, but start coaching.

If you have zero coaching experience, you're not going to the top of the list.

Start small and work your way up the food chain.

PLEASE. PLEASE. PLEASE. Treat these applications like they're professional, career worthy applications...because they are.

I can't stress the amount of resumes that come in with improper grammar, spelling, and a lack of professionalism.
If you have a career counselor at your school, utilize it. Abuse that service. Update your resume often.

Ask your teachers. Ask your professors. Ask your parents. Ask your friends. If you think your resume is good, it can be better.

These are dream jobs, treat them as such.
And super lastly.

If you want to work in a professional program, don't ping me on Twitter with "sup dude" or "yo Im interested in the job".

I'm not your homie.
And I would happily speak with anybody interested in this space, jobs in this space, getting a job in this space, or anything else collegiate esports.

Please know you can hit my line.
You can follow @FlizzyFletch.
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