- anti semitism still happening in our society. I have personally experience anti semitism and many of my jewish friends also have. it still exists and it’s still very real. i am not going to go into length but it would be greatly appreciated if you educated yourself on some of-
the stuff still happening.
For me, it does genuinely upset me that some of the most active people in fighting for the rights of minority groups (and this is by no means everyone, and the media and lack of resources to educate yourself on are hugely to blame) stay completely silent when it comes to-
anti semitism and the problems that jews are still facing. I have had our neighbours knocking on our door telling us to take down our Mezuzah because we shouldn’t show it off and it’s gross. I’ve had people purposefully say triggering holocaust related things-
these are just a few things that i’ve experienced, and these are small compared to what others have gone through and im glad i haven’t had to experience worse, but still a problem nonetheless.
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