The @NME decided to report on Wiley's Jew-hating public disintegration today. Did they focus on his active threats of - and calls for - *violence* to Jewish people? No. They made it about fucking Israel. Of course they did!
Would the @NME look at hate screeds - Jews are "cowards" "slippery" "get looked after differently" "want to ruin black mans life" "make me sick" who he wants "war" with - and write a bullshit article as if there's two sides to the story about another minority? The fuck they would
In summary, go fuck yourselves @NME with your right-on 'it's all just about Israel tweets' Leftist shite. Antisemitism is racism and you've just aided a Jew-hater with your pathetic article. I used to buy your magazine on and off. No more.
And if you're thinking it's mere words. Nope. Wiley called for Jews to be attacked. Multiple people offering to help him. So, get in the fucking bin @NME, you're as much 'journalists' as I am a supermodel.
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