tdp panel livetweet/recap!

#TheDragonPrince #ComicConAtHome
1. the first 4:30 minutes are the cast doing a funny skit about the characters on a zoom call
2. (previously announced) dark horse comics is releasing an artbook of the dragon prince(compiled by the staff on the show) that releases august 18th 2020!
3. around the 10:00 minute mark, we get a sneak peek of a dragon prince graphic novel that picks up where season 3 left off, read by the VAs in character!
3.5 the graphic novel is titled “through the moon” and is being released through scholastic on october 6th, 2020!
4. around the 15:00 minute mark, the VAs perform a skit/sketch of the characters in the show playing dnd!
5. around the 20:30 mark, a role playing game(i believe similar to dnd) is announced, titled “tales of xadia”! a trailer is also played and you can register for updates at  !
6. around the 23:00 minute mark, fan q+a begins!
Q: “do elves have four toes?”

A: “we are assuming four, since we have a lot of base 8 jokes in the writers room” -justin richmond
Q: “is the upcoming graphic novel “through the moon” crucial to the upcoming season?”

A: “it is part of the canon story. it continues from where season 3 left off” -aaron ehasz
Q: “does sasha rojen(voice of ezran) like jelly tarts in real life?”

A: “i’ve never tried a jelly tart, but i would probably like them” -sasha rojen
Q: “for erik todd dellums(voice of aaravos), what is your favorite aspect about aaravos and do you share any traits with him?”

A: “mystery is always the best part, since last you saw me i was in a cocoon. for traits we share...aside from a baritone voice and—
—a good sense of humor, probably not many. i’m probably far more impatient than he is.” -erik todd dellums
Q: “for justin or aaron(co creators of the show), what is the best pop culture reference that didn’t make it into the final script?”

A: “there were actually a couple of these...we wanted to put in as many guns n’ roses song and album titles as we could.” -justin richmond
Q: “for racquel belmonte(voice of claudia), what do you think aaravos and claudia’s dynamic will be since she clearly doesn’t like elves?”

A: “she’s gonna change her mind a little bit when she sees her father connected to him, she’s gonna open up a little bit—
—and there might be a little bit of protege type stuff where she’s working under aaravos.” -racquel belmonte
Q: “is soren gonna be okay?”

A: “i hope so! he’s had such a journey and he means so well and i think he will be.” -jesse inocalla(voice of soren)
Q: “for jason simpson(voice of viren) what is your favorite viren scene?”

A: “somewhere in season 2 with the mirror and when he meets aaravos for the first time” -jason simpson
Q: “if you could voice any other character for a day, who would it be?”

sasha: “either aaravos, rayla, or viren”

jack: “maybe...claudia?”

erik: “ezran”

racquel: “i wanna be soren so bad”

jason: “i would like to voice bait and villads”

paula: “viren”
jesse: “if we’re talking about writing, claudia, if it’s a voice swap...aaravos”
Q: “for aaron ehasz(co creator of the show) how old is bait?”

A: “i think harrow had bait before ezran and aside from aaravos and maybe zubeia, bait might be the oldest character on the show” -aaron ehasz
7. around the 35:30 minute mark, aaron ehasz announces that the entire saga(seasons 4-7) has been picked up by netflix!
and that concluded the panel! hope this thread was helpful and informative!
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