It unfortunate that George Washington's Farewell Address no longer garners the attention it once did.... It used to be required reading in most public school civics courses. His (and Hamilton's) warnings are as applicable now as they were in 1796:
Washington warned of the passions that fuel the desire of "one faction" or political party to dominate the other, not out of any devotion to the national interest but "sharpened by the spirit of revenge." This is a "frightful despotism."
The demagogue, the hyper-partisan who brooks no dissent and practices the politics of destruction, thrives on pitting American against American. By playing upon parochial fears and appealing to the lowest passions, demagogues advance their own interests.
“You cannot shield yourselves too much against the jealousies and heartburnings which spring from ... misrepresentations" promulgated by demagogues. "They tend to render alien to each other those who ought to be bound together by fraternal affection.”
Ultimately the current state of affairs is on all of us for rewarding those who "practice the little arts of popularity" -- by rewarding political figures who "fire up the base" - by rewarding those politicians and media pundits who are deemed "authentic"
because they trash traditions and norms of civility.

There is much work to be done to bind the wounds and restore our "affection" for our fellow citizens. Whether you're a fan of Washington or not, at least consider his words as a potential source of hope for a better future.
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