I don’t understand how there are so many people who are quick to condemn violence at protests, but remain silent when our government murders civilians at home and abroad on a daily basis.

If you want to condemn violence you should start with our own government.
I’m going to save this one is Guantánamo Bay.
Or the time that we killed an estimated 2 million Vietnamese civilians during the Vietnam war Which I will remind you was started in large part because of a miscommunication in the DoD to the president and Congress about the golf of Tonkin incident https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-23427726
It’s too horrifying to continue but I think I’ve said enough to make my point.
At times the US does step in and end a genocide such as WWII but rarely do we stop the genocides we create and/or enable when they serve US buissness interests such as what’s happening on the boarder or has and continues to happen to Indigenous people with the Keystone pipeline.
Damn I might have just found my thesis.
I know we didn’t know we didn’t enter WWII to stop a genocide but we ended up ending one by defeating the Nazis.

*It’s much more complicated than that but it’s hard to fit all of this in 240 characters.*
I don’t want to say this but just as liability insurance.

Given the history of the US government murdering people that aren’t a huge fan of imperialism and the Military industrial complex and other stuff that’s bad. I am NOT thinking about killing myself.
I don’t want to scare anyone and I doubt it would happen but still better safe than sorry
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