Virgo men are the ideal match for powerful women.

I say this because they know their role & will play it well. They are least likely to interfere in areas that they do not excel in. But also, they'll do anything to make sure you are always in your power.
Virgo men who have reached maturity are great people to have in your corner. How long it takes them to reach that level of maturity varies. But if you are passionate about something & they recognize it, they will invest in you.

They will make sure you shine.
Plus, if you are not the kind of lady who wants to do "Administrative work", let them do it. They'll get it done.

I am one of those powerhouses & I 10/10 recommend a Virgo partner for the confident, powerful & assured.

Aqua, Aries, Cap & Scorpio - I feel y'all will do well.
Also this, if you are blessed to secure a Virgo to balance out your power, you're going to learn the art of letting others serve you. If you attract a Virgo, you aren't being pampered enough. If you get one with a Libra Venus....chileeeee you are WINNING.
Im very self reliant and sufficient. But I've learned the importance of letting your Virgo serve you. Have your list of things that need to be done, ready to go for them.

Don't forget to ask for flowers & have something waiting for them like alone time with their fave snacks.
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