Writers, producers, and actors on the show have always taken pride in how diverse their cast is. When the show first started they were showing black people in positions that were not shown on tv at the time.
As the years have gone on, I’ve noticed less and less diversity. The show’s history has always had more white actors compared to any other poc. When they first started, they were breaking boundaries but now...they are just average. Here are some examples:
Sarah Drew and Jessica Capshaw were let go for unknown reasons. Some said it was budget but in the following 2 seasons 3 white men have been made series regulars (Tom,Link,&Levi) another white man has been made recurring (Hayes) leaving Nico as the only poc to join but
he is the only one to remain undeveloped out of those 4 despite being there longer than Hayes. The show always tends to follow one main intern of their class while the others stay as supporting roles. All of them have been white: Meredith, Lexie, Jo, Andrew, and Levi
This is problematic because these characters get the most screen time and we get to see their journey unfold more than their classmates. The newest groups of interns have had more diversity but they are not developed at all. There is so much they could do with Parker who
is a transgender vet or Qadri who is Pakistani and Muslim but they chose a white male to focus on. Numerous actors have been poorly used resulting in them leaving such as Qadri and Stephanie because their interesting characters and great actresses but they don’t get the same
storylines as their white peers. Cristina has been really the only Asian character they have explored and Callie the only Latinx. In recent days, Grey’s seems to meet the quota and call it a day. All of their diversity is in supporting roles that doesn’t get as much screen time
or equal storylines. Like Maggie, there is so much they could have explored with her this season after her cousin died on her table and she quit. BUT THEY DIDN’T. It was all handled off camera and no one around her cared except for Richard. Which is very problematic
considering she would and has moved heaven and earth for Amelia and Meredith. They never do the same in return. If anyone has noticed any diversity problems please reply because I’m sure there are more.
Since this was posted, many people have rightfully responded with objections to the Sarah and Jessica part of the argument. When I wrote this, I was seeing diversity as in terms of poc, women, and lgbtq+ which is why I included them.
I see and understand that this is wrong though because the show has had a fair representation of white women as opposed to poc. I think this is an important thread and it’s led to many others responding with things they notice about the lack of diversity including the writers
room of Grey’s and the fandom’s own racism, so I am not deleting it but I just wanted everyone to know I’m sorry for not addressing such an important topic correctly and including an argument that doesn’t belong in this conversation.
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