I know some people are gonna crucify me for saying this, but at this point Clearwater Marine Aquarium is better than SeaWorld, not because they don't breed dolphins, nor because they only do rescues, but because they're going the extra mile to care for their dolphins.
Are they a perfect facility? No. Are they free from criticism? No, but they've been doing better this year compared to SeaWorld. While CMA's dolphins got their new home, SeaWorld has not updated their cetacean enclosures.
And to anyone that might say "maybe they don't need it", uh... Yes, they do. Most, if not all their enclosure are outdated. Even the nicer ones like Wild Arctic, are in need of an improvement. Others are so small, yet keep far too many animals.
The pilot whales still live in the old Whale and Dolphin Stadium, an exhibit built in the 70's, despite the fact that they grow almost as large as orcas and they're open ocean dwellers. And they can't go to the orca tanks, because it would be a mess.
San Antonio's belugas are in a similar situation, but even worse is the Dolphin Nursery in Orlando, which received a facelift with outer rockwork and UV windows, but no expansion.
The Dolphin Cove is currently in a depressing state, with rockwork constantly being removed from inside the tank.
The orca tanks have barely changed since the rising floors got removed, except for a few rocks in San Diego and Orlando's UV pools.
Look, don't get it twisted. I'm not saying that SeaWorld's animal care staff sucks, nor that the trainers don't care. I'm, for the most part, targeting corporate and the people who are perfectly fine with their current attitude, people who see nothing wrong with these issues.
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