
My only comment about the riots: change "WILL" backfire on the Democrats to "HAVE ALREADY BACKFIRED."

@realDonaldTrump goaded the Democrats and the press into supporting total mayhem.


By supporting the rule of law.
Every single dystopian vision of the future has become reality.

Now, take it easy: This is TEMPORARY.

People who vote for Democrats are learning that it's suicidal.

The current state of affairs will end after Trump's reelection.
The Democrats have lost the ability to think rationally.

There's literally no way on earth that allowing total lawlessness can benefit them politically.

ESPECIALLY after the country got a taste of what life COULD be like when we got close to our full potential.
And now?

The Democrats allowed protestors to spread the pandemic; they're disbanding police forces, allowing gangs of urban terrorists to mindlessly destroy everything, closing down businesses, and keeping children out of schools.

The Democrats are also erasing our past, targeting people due to their race, figuratively opening reeducation camps, and politicizing ALL ACTIVITIES POSSIBLE.
And John Carpenter is such an oblivious moron that he thinks his movie applies to CONSERVATIVES.

The mind boggles.

We cherish INDIVIDUALISM, not conformity and obedience.

Leftism IS a mental illness.
But the astonishing cognitive dissonance of John Carpenter should help you understand what's happening now.

Carpenter is not actually capable of critical thinking.

Neither is the Democratic party.
From what I can tell, the Democrats believe that the country will blame Trump for the rioting and urban terrorism because Trump's MERE EXISTENCE is driving people to do these things.

The urban terrorists are the REAL victims.

Not the people whose lives they're destroying.
The LA riots of 1992 ended Democrat Tom Bradley's 20-year run as mayor.

And the riots also made REPUBLICAN governor Pete Wilson more popular.

The LA riots were five days.

The current urban terrorism has been going on in multiple blue states for two months.
The outcome is absolutely inevitable.

Anyone with a functioning brain can see that.

Of course people will come to me with ludicrous scenarios for some kind of Democratic hat trick, but these notions are like the kicking of a dead dog before it finally gets still.
The dog's brain is dead, but the legs keep going for a few seconds.

I can't imagine choosing to be a dead dog with kicking legs, but then again I can't imagine the lives of most people.

The sea change has happened. Those of us who understood Trump knew that it would.
If you STILL can't see that the Democrats are going to be massacred in the elections, you're not paying attention.

They're PROMOTING urban terrorism.

Do you not understand that?

A political party that promises total destruction can't win.
The Democrats and the press--sorry for repeating myself--are telling us that urban terrorism carried out against totally innocent parties is justified.

They've crossed the Rubicon.

Passed the point of no return.

More accurately, they've cross the River Styx.
The River Styx is the main river into Hades.

It's the border between the underworld and world of the living.

Charon is the ferryman who takes you across.
The other rivers into Hades are:

Acheron (river of pain)
Lethe (river of forgetfulness)
Phlegethon (river of fire)
Cocytus (river of wailing)
The Democrat party has crossed all of them.

And in November, they go bye-bye.

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