About 3 years ago, I was asked to join a group that was mainly centred around Talib Kweli’s timeline and the collective goal was: Deplatforming and disrupting nazi’s & white supremacists on various internet platforms.
We were de-platforming 100s of accounts a month, there were about 40 of us, although I’m told it was bigger prior joining. Over the course of a few months the group was whittled down to about a dozen or so ppl and always at the centre of these “breakups” was a person named Mary
When she appeared, she had this story of how wicked she was to nazis. But little by little, she’d say weird shit, like shit a nazi would say or get caught being nice to them. Tish, Progdad and Spicci are ALL nazis:
"Prog Dad and her made peace in June" + "I'll behave, say hi to Tish & Tulip" = she's been down with alt-right Nazis since at least summer 2018, while gathering info on the other side (she confirmed that she does that with her claims about an anti-racists financial status)
So why is she trying to send nudes to a fucking nazi. And then to have the audacity to call people thots?
At this point, you’re probably asking yourself: How did her and Talib become “friends”? Put the tea on, cause this is quite the story. First, let’s start with this:
“I’m also helping Talib with his IRL stalker on this personal request”. See, Talib has been a cheating as$ for a while now. Well, he had an affair with a white girl with dreadlocks, which he would routinely call “culture vultures” on Twitter.
Now, imagine it got out that a conscious rapper with songs like “Black Girl Pain” was with a “culture vulture”, probably pretty bad for him, so he attempted to get Mary to cover it up and run this woman off social media.

Ugh. No. I have facetimed and skyped with her, she is 100% real
Netherlands (Brabant / Hague). Claims to have some VERY problematic ancestors. I don't think I have to give a history lesson on the Dutch, especially ones related to the King of England while they were slavers
"bUt sHe'S mEleNaSiAn".

So how did Melenasians end up in Holland? Well, they were exiled from their country, because they sided with the Dutch (often called The Black Dutch) against their own people.
She has a THICK Dutch accent and doesn’t speak AAVE like her tweets, that’s all a front. She truly believes that her identity is based on American media’s version of Black people. Everyone is a stereotype or a caricature to her, a common theme with nazis and white supremacists
Like, why does a Dutch woman, who sounds DUTCH IRL speak AAVE on Twitter? She literally talks like a racist joke. The reason she “sounds like Talib”, is that she literally copies his AAVE!!! She's a chameleon
Now let’s talk about some of her OUTLANDISH claims. Narrator: There is no official “chapter” of BLM, associated with The Netherlands.
But this one is the piece de resistence
The “bf” that she claims in the last tweet is a man named Mitch Hernandez. He was killed in a racially motivated murder by Dutch police.
The man lived in Aruba & she did not. He was in Holland visiting his kids for a short visit. Jeniffer <redact> was his gf & mother of children. So Mary dated him while he lived in Aruba or when he was simply on a short vacation in The Netherlands to visit his children and family?
So, Mary has CO-OPTED the death of an innocent Black man to gain CLOUT and to convince everyone she is in fact NOT a nazi.

But she has no qualms about stealing pretending things are hers, like pics of totally fake celebrations (source: https://twitter.com/KoenLaureij/status/1268963157416042496)
She also makes this strange claim privately that the late GURU was her b/f. Her only “proof” is an autograph and a biz card. She’s clearly a groupie and a flunky..
Here she is in 2016 (uitreiking haagse parels van de stad 2016). Her friend won an award and she’s attempted to take credit for that too.
So, is Mary an actual nazi? We’ve already established that she’s friendly with them.

But how about the time she doxed a Black person’s ENTIRE family and gave away their private information to ACTUAL nazis?
Or the time a bunch of Russians were calling Talib the N word, for weeks and dropping pics of them doing seig heils. Here she is trying to convince me (a Jewish man) that sieg heiling is okay (it is not).
But also, apparently Talib didn’t “listen to her” and do what she wanted, so in her opinion, he “deserved” to be called the N word for weeks on end (he had it coming)
Black Millenials are “cockroaches”? Cockroaches? That’s nazi talk.
I wonder what other type of nazi language she uses? Let’s take a look:
I mean, SURE, you could ask her, but she is an admitted liar:
She definitely AIN'T intersectional:
And this is the moment I unfollowed Talib and began this “research” project. I had found the employer of a vicious nazi account and she got wind of it and sent me this in a DM. She’s literally “ouchea” protecting nazis
She has a habit of it:
She then went on to slander me and get me out of the group. Talib was fully aware of everything, including the above screenshot(s) - HE BACKED HER.
Now, such a LOYAL and tenacious STAN would CERTAINLY go where her KING goes, right? RIGHT????

Wrong. Talib isn’t even worth 5 dollars a month to her AFTER she chased off MOST of fans on Twitter:
Because she ONLY cares about invading activist spaces and disrupting the work of ACTUAL activism... Just like a nazi would.
Thanks to everyone who sent me receipts I hadn't collected 🙏✊
Oh and to ANY MF that claims "mArY hAs NeVeR dOxXeD aNyOnE" GTFOH
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