A thread about repetitive stress injuries and pain from laptop use. @Leilahkhalili mentioned how much we are wrecking our bodies working from home squished on a random chair while kids run over our desks. Lots are suffering. This is for you. /1
Resources to come. Background first. Erogonomics was a big thing at OSHA and in the corporate world in the 90s and 2000s. Remaking office furniture was cheaper than paying out lawsuits. That’s over now. We sit at home hunched over laptops…. /2
Back in the day, I was really sick after fieldwork for my PhD. Then I lost the use of my arms. I couldn’t hold a fork or a plate. I was told I would never type again. I survived it. So this is a thread on injury, laptops, bandaid solutions, and resources. /3
Repetitive stress injury is cumulative. So five months in it is getting bad. Things are right on track. No one is sending help. Here are some hacks with some links. /4
Basic story: laptops will destroy you. You need an external keyboard and mouse. Use your laptop as a monitor (or a keyboard and use another monitor). You can put your keyboard on your lap. That’s what I do. /5
Here’s more ideas on setting up an ergonomic workplace at home. First from Upright health. It’s a little depressing because the guy is so fit and flexible. But good ideas. Like using yoga bricks to sit on and put stuff on. /6
Here’s some self-care techniques. This one is hand and wrist exercises for gamers! /9
And here are exercises against carpal tunnel syndrome. People say it works. Very low tech /10
And finally, some simple daily exercises to do from an osteopath: Fulford Daily Exercises. They work! I do a ton of other stuff but that’s for another day too… Good luck! /11
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