I'm starting to feel strongly that the Federal government should be instituting a UBI. (Before the trolls with the comments about free-loading pile on, just cool it and stay under your bridges.) I'm saying this as someone in a high tax bracket who would be paying for it.
I think Covid-19 has really highlighted that a number of our social support systems are letting people down in many ways, and I wonder if a UBI wouldn't be simpler to administer, and ultimately more effective.
It would help those with physical disabilities & mental health issues lead easier lives without so many support worries. It would help those who are in abusive familial situations leave more easily because it would take away some of the monetary worries that make it hard to leave
It would provide support for families where one parent stays home to look after children, it would likely help jumpstart entrepreneurship and small businesses because it would provide a cushion to enable people to take that risk. The elderly would also benefit.
I also believe that it would end up saving the system money overall. There are so many social determinants of health and crime that are poverty related.
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