IF you’re not getting tested after every body you catch you playing with your health. Debate ya doctor not me!
If you think that you “respect yourself” and only sleep with “clean people” and “feel fine” you need to read more on stds bc clearly you don’t know how reality and science works.
If you think condoms can protect you from all STDs/STIs, so it’s safe to sleep with strangers...again you need to hit up your doctor and do more research.
If you think “Oh me and my boo have been together for years. They don’t cheat on me I’m good” go get tested. (hopefully not) but life can surprise and humble you in wild ways
MOST STIs will be dormant for YEARS until you go to the doctor and they tell you got cervical cancer bc if that chylamdia that’s been brewing in ya for years. a lot of them lead to serious long term health issues (especially in women)
Men PLEASE get tested too. STDs be especially dormant in y’all. Stop having raw sex with strangers. Your body is a temple too. Keep it healthy and clean. Be choosy w who you fuck. Condoms DONT protect you from all STDS & you can’t plan b or abortion away HIV
Keep in mind when partaking in casual sex, getting tested is not something many people do regularly though they say they do. Many are sick long before they know it. Things like crabs and herpes can transfer through skin-to-skin contact. Don’t put your mouth on a strangers parts.
Also, I had two different doctors (gyno now & my pediatrician when I was a teen) tell me abt false test. Make sure you’re going to a good clinic where they swab ur vagina when they shove that shit in. Make sure they are anal about everything. Find a good office! Stick to it.
& last but not least. Kill the “dirty” stigma that comes STDs. A lot of them a curable and even those that aren’t can be managed quite well. You can be a virgin w STDs, you can be a pornstar of 25 years and never been sick. The difference usually between the two is knowledge 🥴
so it’s super important to stay informed! & even more important to not cast judgements at others. You don’t know their story and regardless it’s none of you business. People deserve respect. Sick or not. You aren’t better than anyone because your healthy or never been sick.
Oh by the way there are a bunch of different kinds you never even heard of. It’s more than just syphillis and hpv out there! wrap it up, have fewer partners and serious discussions with those partners you do have.
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