Thread on why luffy is one of the greatest main characters and why he's still my favourite anime/manga Character to this day
Ask yourself "what type of MC a series like one piece needs?" One Piece is a journey & Luffy is THE DRIVING FORCE of the series, you may ask "but where's his development where's his progression?" he's not supposed to change in the first place because he will stick to his ideals.
does that mean that luffy doesn't go under subtle extremely well-executed progression/development? Absolutely not. You'll have to go back to (will be few examples)
1. chapter 1 to the end of Orange town, we see how much shanks inspired luffy in chapter 1 and from here you'll see the subtle progression and the amount of characterization shanks added to luffy
2. Water7/enies lobby

Luffy's growth as a captain here is as clear as day, and he even realized how much of a burden it can really be.
When he lost to aokiji he almost lost a crew member so he realized that he's weak and he'll keep facing stronger foes, he had to to think of something so he never experiences that again
3. Marineford saga, this is luffy's biggest L, he realized even more how weak he was and he even doubted his dream, luffy of all people doubting his dream is just too much, he trained for 2 years.

Luffy cannot run away anymore (like saboady) he HAS to keep going to become the PK
4. Yonko saga

We see how far luffy has developed his leadership, you might look at him at a surface level and say he's dumb or reckless but that's a part of his personality because when it takes he delivers.
Luffy went through a massive trauma after marineford, but he fully accepted ace's death. He accepted his decisions and that he died with no regret, luffy didn't go on a cliche revenge mission against akainu
So far I'm only talking about his progression/development, so I'll talk about different aspects.

Luffy is brimming with personality, he's unpredictable, he's emotionally intelligent, one of my fav things is the parallels between him and bb, both are chaotic but different
Luffy perfectly functions within the one piece world. Mihawk made a statement on his ability to turn everyone into ally, he's extremely charismatic.

He has taken too many losses in the story but he keeps bouncing back (literally a part of his ability)
His motives are simple because he's always sympathetic with the weak, stuff like just wanting to repay someone for feeding him, the amount of people luffy has liberated and changed is insane, he values freedom and dreams-
Which are 2 of the biggest themes in the series.

I'll stop here for now, might continue or not
Ok, I think that's enough, I'll drop this thread in case you missed it before
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