Okay. Long response coming because I feel like waxing philosophical.

With mushrooms, we talk about the trip as possibly a shared experience - the mushroom needs us to ingest it so it can experience the trip, just as we need it.

What if this is true of everything we ingest? https://twitter.com/saul_mondriaan/status/1286609737186910209
So many plants *want* to be eaten. It's part of how they reproduce and spread. But eating is also part of how we commune with the plant.

Flavor is a language in itself. And all food impacts our brain chemistry in one way or another - as eating transforms food, it transforms us.
Eating, like cooking, is a transformative process, and therefore potentially magical. You're sharing an experience with your food. And it's gone through a lot to get to you, that's true! So make it worth it.
Acknowledge your food. Be present with it and invite it to also be present. Inform it of your intentions (transformation can be stressful if you're not prepared for it).

If you want something from the food, tell it that too - like you're making a mojo bag. Communicate clearly.
If you're cooking it, cook well. If you burn it, apologize. Learn, & do better next time.

When you eat & cook food, PAY ATTENTION. Be present & responsive. Relish it. Notice the subtleties of flavor.

At the end of the day, we all want to be seen & known. Do this for your food.
Every living thing has to eat. It's our most deeply ingrained alchemical cycle -- destruction, transformation, creation, integration. We are cauldrons.

You bless your food by paying attention to it, by being present with it, and by respecting it.

That's how you bless anyone.
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