Air signs: (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) 💨 You could start seeing 777 or 999. You’re on the brink of getting exactly what you want, but you will be tested as you get closer to getting it. Try not to backtrack. Stay focused. You will be tempted to settle for lesser.
Keep your eyes on the prize. On the other hand, If you’re not sure what you really want, the Universe will be reflecting those mixed signals back to you. This is especially true in terms of romance. It’s time to get more clear.
Expect the old to resurface in order to be closed out. Old thoughts, beliefs, patterns, even people. Use discernment as to what you can bring with you moving forward. Some things need to be left behind as a sacrifice to embrace all the new.
Very soon, you will have the choice whether you want to go back to a previous situation in your life or if you want to move forward in a new direction. Choose what is best for YOU. This won’t be an easy decision.
Look where I caught this at 😂😂
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