I dont recall who originally said it but one of my favorite faith based things ever said about atheism is that God favors the atheist because he doesnt good out of fear of hell or reward of heaven he does good because it's a good thing to do. I love this because it shows that a
With a willingness to learn atheists could be our greatest teachers. They could lead the way and show us how it done. If we release our fears and desires of heaven and hell and do as the atheist does we will live our most fulfilling and healthy lives and leave behind a greater
More positive impact on the world.

There is no need to separate our beliefs you can love God and still accept scientific facts when they are given to you. I personally favor meshing them here and there. For ex my theory is that God was indeed a creator but more so as a gardener
God planted seeds and watched them grow. Perhaps the first seed was the big bang. Perhaps the second was the first germ to breathe and created life on earth. Perhaps the asteroid that destroyed the dinosaurs was a seed because he was ready for humans to exist but knew we couldnt
Live among giants and maneaters. God has watched us blossom and grow but I dont think he interferes very often or no atrocities would occur. There would be no slavery, no genocide, no harm of children if he were intervening. I think we are tangling our own roots and killing each
Other and its up to us to do the untangling and we could if we could loosen our grips on God and especially on the Bible and just do good for the sake of doing good.
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