Hearing @EdMarkey speak on the Senate floor about the need to put #PeopleOverPentagon reminded me why I joined this fight. On every piece of #genprev related legislation I lobbied him on over the past 5 years he said yes, I'm already on it, or I wrote it. Here they all are 🧵 https://twitter.com/EdMarkey/status/1286105010535882752
The first piece of legislation I ever lobbied on was the Genocide and Atrocities Prevention Act of 2016 - @EdMarkey was an Original Co-Sponsor. As a part of @standnow I spent years lobbying on this piece of legislation - Ed was on it from the get-go.
This bill became the Elie Wiesel Genocide and Atrocities Prevention Act of 2018, @EdMarkey was again an Original Co-Sponsor. It was a monumental victory for the atrocities prevention community when this bill was signed into law. Kennedy was not a co-sponsor for the House version
In 2016, @EdMarkey was one of only **4** Co-Sponsors on The Refugee Protection Act. This was before the age of Donald Trump, before travel bans and Muslim bans. This was Ed showing his commitment to #RefugeesWelcome . Kennedy was not a co-sponsor for the house version.
Again in 2016, @EdMarkey was one of only **7** Co-Sponsors on another piece of legislation we lobbied on S.Res.485 urging the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to comply with Presidential Term limits and hold elections.
Also in 2016, years before Yemen would become well known as the "World's Worst Humanitarian Crisis" @EdMarkey was one of only **3** Co-sponsors on S.Res.524 calling for the protection of civilians and the provision of humanitarian relief in Yemen. Ed was listening from the start.
Again in 2016, @EdMarkey was an Original Co-sponsor on S.Res.361 - A resolution urging robust funding for humanitarian relief for Syria. He was once again one of only **10** voices heading our and other org's calls to support this legislation.
In 2017, @EdMarkey was an Original Co-sponsor on S.2060, The Burma Human Rights and Freedom Act of 2018. This bi-partisan legislation looked at assistance for the Rohingya people as well as prosecution for the perpetrators of ethnic cleansing.
In 2018 and 2019, @EdMarkey was an Original Co-sponsor of the Burma Human Rights and Freedom Act which among other things aimed to place sanctions on Burmese officials and prohibit military assistance. There was only a house companion in 2018, Kennedy was not on it.
Again, in 2018 - when @BernieSanders intro'd a groundbreaking piece of legislation, utilizing the War Powers Resolution and necessitating the removal of U.S. Troops from Yemen - @EdMarkey not only voted for this removal but was one of 18 co-sponsors. Ed knew that #YemenCantWait
H.Con.Res.81 was the closest thing to a House companion for S.J. Res. 54. Kennedy was not on it.
One of STAND's recent priorities was the GRACE Act. @EdMarkey is not only a supporter of this bill but the AUTHOR. This bill would raise refugee admissions to a Min. of 95k from the current all-time low of 18k under the Trump Admin. Ed not only cares about refugees but LEADS.
The Global Fragility Act is one of the latest groundbreaking pieces of Atrocity Prevention legislation. @EdMarkey is a Co-sponsor. Kennedy was not a Co-Sponsor of the version which passed the house.
Yes, @EdMarkey is a leader on climate change and domestic issues like Medicare for All. With legislation like the Sanders-Markey Amendment, and the GRACE Act he is also LEADING on issues of foreign policy and human rights. This is why I'm #StickingWithEd
It is clear that @EdMarkey understands his responsibility to both MA and the global community. As he said on the floor "too many people are nostalgic for a time that never was, instead of having the idealism to build a better future". Ed Markey is ready to build that future.
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