What do Geniuses do all day?


I'm not a genius by any means, but I find them highly fascinating.

I seek Geniuses out on every platform you can think of.

The following are notes that I have gathered from their lives.

🔸More curious than average and spend most time seeking answers.

🔸Highly obsessive about knowledge of all kinds to try to understand the world around them.

🔸Most time is spent testing and proving knowledge in a state of analysis and critical thinking.

🔸Curiosity is what drives them in ways others may not understand or relate to. Example:

Geniuses know what they don't know and spend more time filling in the gaps than arguing with others about who knows more.

🔸Since they have a well-constructed knowledge structure they are able to tell when someone has unexamined assumptions or prejudices and knows with certainty.

They won't waste time and will simply move on.

🔸Geniuses have difficulty finding acceptance for their ideas and position and spend more time frustrated by their inability to communicate and persuade.

They spend more time in thought about how to best communicate and persuade.

🔸Values a coherent worldview more

🔸Passion for truth, both objective and subjective reality

🔸Read more often and more variety than average
More than likely analyzing headlines for copywriting ideas than consuming gossip

Original writings they would read:

Shakespear, Matsuo Basho, Origin of the Species, Scientific America, Quran, Bible, Baghavid Gita, Book of Mormon, Das Kapital, Wealth of Nations, Magna Carte, Constitution of the USA, Federalist Papers.

❤️ They love original ideas, with a passion.

🔸Enjoys movies,TV, sports, and other parts of culture, but are engaged at a different level. Example:

Symbolism, hidden references of Star Wars and Marvel Universes, strategy of play-calling in football, advance analytics of basketball

❤️Understanding is their passion

🔸More time and mental energy spent on personal growth, development, and transformation than usual.

Such as problem-solving their weaknesses that are causing them problems in life rather than avoiding situations that expose their weaknesses.

🔸Likely to have studied critical thinking and spend time thinking about hidden assumptions they harbor so they can live more consciously in harmony with truth

They are able to escape the bonds of culture by examining and rejecting false or harmful premises

Gandi, Martin Luther Kind, The Founding Fathers of USA, Socrates, Jesus of Nazareth

🔸Geniuses spend time trying to deal with trivialities, idiocy, unpredictability, and foibles of humanity.

Whether it's relationships being broken, businesses being disrupted, or trying to learn to suffer fools lightly.

🔸Tries to get the world to conform to their enlightened vision of how the world should be

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man."

Quote by George Bernard Shaw
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