How to spot some of the “tells” of fake smart people in tech.

These are the modern equivalents of William F. Buckley’s mid-Atlantic accent.

The way TechLead poses with his hand.

His “I’ve done some thinking and I’ve come to the conclusion that...”
As a founder and VP of Eng., I had to learn how to spot the fake smart guys.

Their shallow thinking is obscured by pure affect. People get taken in by the way they talk.

They don’t solicit feedback sincerely, and they take it poorly. They often dismiss criticism as “emotional”.
People like TechLead are an absolute cancer in a team setting.

“B” players hire “C” players— keeps them from feeling threatened.

They tend to take credit for other peoples’ work. They play a lot of politics behind the scenes.

Careful reference-checking helps avoid hiring them.
This. “I’ve done some thinking” is a tell, especially when the subject involves other human beings.

The impression is that his big, special Talented & Gifted genius-brain did some intense cognating and create pearls of insight.
This also applies, from @operaqueenie and @polotek:
Shit-tier Steve Jobs
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