Have y'all noticed that arguing with Rose Twitter about healthcare has changed?

They still use M4A and "universal healthcare" interchangeably, but they've started defending it differently:

For example:

1. When you bring up how HHS will have control over coverage and GOP won't fund women's health, they say we can buy supplemental insurance, conveniently forgetting how their favorite thing about M4A is sticking it to, I mean, eliminating the insurance industry completely.

2. When you bring up the fact that some people like the insurance they have and don't want to be forced onto a one-size-fits-all plan, they pivot and say maybe they can keep theirs but there needs to be a government plan for people who want or need it. Aka, a public option.

This just proves what I've said all along. They don't understand the healthcare industry or the policy debate, and they don't understand what M4A actually does.

They want it because Bernie wants it. Any other solution means Bernie failed.

And they've run out of arguments.

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