I’ve been a supporter of @ShahidForChange Buttar since learning about his campaign & while I hoped the allegations weren’t true I was prepared to publicly rescind my support. So I looked into the story, saw the letter below, spoke to people & I remain a supporter. My position...
is consistent with the principles I’ve espoused in the past. And continue to hold. To be clear, though i of course think Buttar’s platform and policies are infinitely better than Pelosi’s my support of him is not based on a political calculation that allows for harassment. It’s..
Based on looking into the story, the fact that the campaign has not said or done anything which in any way disparages the accuser, has not done anything behind the scenes to coordinate a response. His supporters have taken this on themselves. Of course his accuser has the right..
To make her accusations. And I’m glad people have listened to her story and taken it seriously. Of course people are already and will continue to accuse me of hypocrisy because I gave Tara Reade the platform of my show to tell her story. The media took as much time to drag its...
Feet on the story. In this case the accuser had her story reported on and was listened to. Tara wasn’t. As for the people who accuse me of setting back the #meToo movement because I didn’t do due dilligence, they need to condemn The NY Times and every single outlet & journalist..
who reported on Christine Blasey Ford within a few days without interviewing her landlords or reviewing all of her financial statements. And they certainly need to condemn every single outlet & journalist who reported on Julie Swetnick. They of course haven't because it was...
never about this for them. There are journalists I respect and admire who are uncomfortable with the way MeToo stories are reported on. It's complicated for sure. I disagree with them but they're not hypocrites. I'm referring to the people who couldn't deal with the story so...
pretended to give a shit about Tara in a way that was totally disingenuous and infantalizing. This is why I respect the people who said "I don't know if Biden did it" or "he probably did it," but this election is too important & the other guy faces more allegations & is a...
And to clarify, could more come out which makes it so I rescind my support of Buttar? Of course. That's the point. I like his politics but we can't just assume something is beyond someone.
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