This has been on my mind since I quietly and meekly Romulan-splained in the STO stream chat this week... so uh, let’s go, pronunciation of Romulan ship classes in STO (aka “Azure Nebula Rescue was intentionally voiced over in a way that would injure my soul”)

A thread 🧵
Dhelan = “thei-lan”

Ha’apax = “ha-ah-pax” (the apostrophe is an glottal stop, not permission to say “hay”)
- Same goes for Ha’nom, Ha’feh...

Haakona = “ha-kona” (pronounce “ha” a little longer)

Faeht = “fate”

Kholhr = “khol-ler” (pronounce the kh further back on the tongue)
Surhuelh = “sur-hwelh”

Aelahl = “ay-lall”

Jaeih = “jay”

Okhala = “oak-hala”

Khaiell = “khai-ell” (again, kh is pronounced at the back of the tongue)

Generally, when you encounter an “h” after a consonant, you slightly pronounce it at the back of your tongue.
Signed, the co-editor on an archival project of all those old Romulan websites, an actual Romulan
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