1.) Behind every ridiculous piece of legislation, no matter how seemingly unimportant and trivial, is not just the threat of, but the act of, fatal violence. You may scoff at this way of looking at it, but it is correct nonetheless.
2.) If you sell strawberries of a slightly strange shape, or without a special permit, and if, god forbid, you do not submit to the order of ceasing such activities, it starts with a fine, then a reminder, then probably another fine, then a court date.
3.) You do not show up, for all you did was sell perfectly good berries forced on no one. There will be further summons, then confiscation of funds. If the funds do not cover the fines, there will be a home visit. You do not open, and when they break down the door you resist.
4.) You are deemed dangerous. Why don't you just pay the fine and get it over with? The longer you refuse to submit, the more your life is in danger. When you physically try to push the intruders out of your home, that's when they shoot.

But the strawberries were oddly shaped.
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