1/13 I've gotten a lot of new writer followers so here's a strange #FF. Late in 2017 I was like so many of you. Writing in the void and then a miracle happened. I ran across a hashtag called #WRAC17 and quickly realized these were screenwriters talking about the craft. There was
2/13 Paul Guyot, @thegarygraham @howUplaythegame @Mo_Mata and some others. Man was I intimidated. I lurked and slowly starting dipping my toes in. Then I saw #SpecScriptShoutouts and the floodgates of questions opened. How do I get to read these? Will they read mine? How do I get
3/13 to be a part of @TheWRACGroup? About this time I ran across @JeffLieber a kind and generous soul sharing knowledge about writing for the biz of show and his #ShowRunnerRules. I soaked up this knowledge and finally got the nerve to ask questions in his frequent Q&As! I began
4/13 following everyone with that #WRAC17 hashtag. All this time I'm writing my butt off and terrified to show any of my new contacts. How was I to know they would become like family who only wanted me to write the best stuff I could. In 2018 I dove in and submitted projects to
5/13 #thewracgroup. I began to develop relationships with these amazing writers. I was reading their work, They were reading mine. It changed my life and will change yours. The generosity of people like @timwestland @GallagherMW @JLisaJay @ditty1013 propelled me forward. I got a
6/13 project on #WRACList18. Heck even got a read request from @CBS. But the cool thing was how my writing world was expanding. So many professionals offering advice I would give up an organ for and they were doing it for free. People like @melissahilfers. @OKBJGM @JoseMolinaTV
7/13 @GennHutchison @Massawyrm @clmazin @shannonandswift . On top of that over time WRAC Writers like @obryantcj @montyrockhead @jonesvibe42 @Cilly247 @fringeblog @mizmulligan @AC_screenwriter came into my orbit. Floodgates had opened in my mind and I was surrounded by so much
8/13 talent that those gremlins of self doubt were as big as Godzilla. But I kept writing and read something about #TheBitchList and followed @BiatchPack and told her so boldly. One day I'm going to write my way on this list & on #TheBitchList2020 that dream came true. I've been
9/13 called a cheerleader on here and maybe that's true. But to me it's returning the favor for those who saw me wandering in the wilderness and showed me a path to where I wanted to go. I've said often to write what stirs your soul and that we're all in this crazy dream chasing
10/13 screenwriting world together. I was recently reminded of that when @kimhornsby reached out to do me a favor. So to all of you I didn't name don't doubt the impact you had on me and others. To the new WRAC members we don't bite. Write that thing - the thing - that only you
11/13 can write and let it out in the world. No matter what you've won. Here's a few other crazy souls to follow @JJSmithPrime @akoukouli @avishaiw @BrendonUdy @rustymarcum @becauseivy because if you ever get inbox me motherfucker, you'll know joy. @jphilogden @scrnwriterchic
13/13 I've forgotten their impact on my life because my feeble brain left them off this list. I hope you know I have CRS. To those new WRAC writers. You get out of it what you put into it. So WRAC on and keep chasing dreams.
You can follow @BogeyGuyC.
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