When men use slurs against us it’s *shoulder shrug* but when we defend ourselves it’s because we’re opportunistic. Fuck this https://twitter.com/markharrisnyc/status/1286494080415997952
Let’s look at some of the other language from the NYT around this incident. She “embraces” being called a fucking bitch because she can use it “to her advantage”
Here’s another one. She “rejects contrition” (what a meanie!) but “embraces”—twice!—being called a slur
The NYT has made this all about AOC - her supposed opportunism, her “embracing” being called a horrible name & her refusal to accept “contrition”

Where’s the coverage on the congressman who used a misogynist slur? Where’s the examination of him and his motives?
The reason there is none is because as a culture we’ve accepted misogyny *as the norm*. There’s no digging into Rep. Yoho’s actions—or his male colleague covering for him—because a powerful man denegrating a woman is *expected*
Anyway, when women try to reclaim slurs used against us it’s not because we’re “embracing” the verbal abuse—it’s a fucking survival technique.

And if we really want to make progress on misogyny let’s refocus attention on the men who are perpetrating it—not their victims.
⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://twitter.com/pilhofer/status/1286694137992028160
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