The talk no one will have with you: Twitch income

Last year on twitch, I made approximately $10K.
$5K of that Twitch took.
$2K went to taxes.
Of the $10K my community spent on me, I received $3K.

Just let that sink in.
I genuinely hope those of you who want to be full time streamers can use this info to plan how to be a financially independent creator. Creating side content it hard and time consuming, but it does help. Just remember you’ll be working well over 60 hours a week on everything
Yes I know tax write offs exist you can stop talking at me now
So @AcolyteSynpai made a very good point: on top of all this, do streamers have retirement, savings, healthcare? We really need to think about how we could’ve endangering ourselves and those who rely on us for income (children/spouses).
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