To those of you not questioning the mainstream narrative of #COVID : Do you want your children to grow up in a world where they’re terrified & running from viruses all the time & depend on the government to be in charge of their health? Where they no longer rely on themselves?
Do you want your kids to grow up in a world where human touch is condemned & their mouth is covered all the time, even at home? Do you want them to wait at home like a lost puppy for government to step in & rescue them with heath care or a paycheck that they did nothing to earn?
Do you want your children to be in constant fear & to tattle on their neighbors? Do you want them to think it’s normal to take your temperature at a restaurant or get a vaccine every time they get ill? We are teaching them to trust government more than they trust their own bodies
You can sit in denial that this is only about a virus, but that doesn’t mean that our entire society isn’t being restructured to be this way. YOU may remember it being a different way, but for our children & grandchildren this is really what will be normal to them in the future.
Your silence & inability to even question what’s going on w/ #COVID is defining the world & the future you will pass onto your children. They will never know the feeling of sunlight on their faces & the power of taking care of their health-they will rely on government for that.
You can follow @AliBeckZeck.
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