No, you can’t come to your dads funeral. I’m very sorry; we have to be safe.

No, We can’t pray the wedding you planned for a year. I’m so sorry, we need to be responsible.

No, you can’t visit your sick child in the hospital. Im so sorry, we have to think of the greater good.
I’m so sorry. The best I can do is to pray with your dying mother through the window of the nursing home. We have to do our part; it’s too dangerous.

Forgive me, we can’t let you in church. You are not wearing a mask. We need to be conscious of the power of this virus.
These are some of the tearful conversations I’ve had with more people than I can count.
The same people who heartlessly shamed those damaged by the effects of quarantine may very well be the ones now defying it.
I am so deeply sad about this.
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