1/ Following the recent funeral home shooting on Chicago's South side, there was a massive, sophisticated and fast-mobilizing social media propaganda campaign, propping up and inviting Pro-Trump and Pro-Martial Law / Federal Troop intervention
2/ they are making it seem like hundreds or thousands of people living in Chicago's south side actually WANT federal troops to come in and take over the streets.
This happened on the Facebook crisis page where people go to mark themselves “safe" after a crisis.
3/ I think this needs to be exposed, and I believe it’s a tactic that will be repeated in the coming weeks and months in various cities. This thread highlights some of the more obvious troll accounts and manipulation.
4/ It was terrifying how sophisticated and fast the propaganda got out there and DOMINATED the Facebook crisis page. Many of the accounts were recently made and are obviously fake or misleading. Example 1: Do Mai Trang allegedly lives in/and is "from" Chicago and posted this:
5/ This got 600+ likes almost immediately.... on a Chicago page!! the pic is NOT Do Mai Trang, whose profile pic is a Goya can- it's pure pro-trump proaganda. Do Mai Trang has also nothing related to actually being from Chicago although the profile is pretty public.
6/ Do Mai Trang posted another suspiciously popular post that has since been deleted but I captured it; note this is a completely different person than the previous pic and got hundreds of likes right away... on a community crisis post about a shooting in Chicago.... wtf!
7/ Do Mai Trang is interestingly friends with another person allegedly from Chicago, named Namster Do. Who is Namster Do? Apparently none other than the "CEO of Black Lives Matter Chicago"!!! What a coincidence!! Let's dig into that a bit shall we?
8/ Wouldn't you know it, Namster Do has been "CEO of BLM Chicago" for over 6 years.... but only posted this as their job on June 23, 2020 (!!!). Something is afoot! Also, go figure, Namster Do was also VERY ACTIVE in this Facebook thread- highlights forthcoming
9/ So Namster Do, the FAKE "CEO of BLM Chicago" posted, for starters, this right-wing, pro Statue meme highlighting the faux hypocrisy of the moment.... totally appropriate for a CRISIS THREAD, right?? /s This post got IMMEDIATELY pumped to the top of the thread with 600 likes
10/ The fake CEO of BLM posted another GEM to tons of comments and likes, pumped to the top right away. Really? The CEO of BLM thinks TRUMP can help? Trolls gonna troll, but how fast these particular, obviously fake accounts and right wing comments exploded to the top is scary.
11/ How about this one from Namster Do again, TAGGING HOMELAND SECURITY TO COME TAKE OVER FOR THE MAYOR OF CHICAGO. Who are these trolls and why are they doing elaborate manipulation? For fun? Are they getting paid? By whom? 250+ likes again right away!! In a crisis thread!!
13/ The following are various other right wing talking points and pro-bringing FEDERAL TROOPS into Chicago by alleged Chicagoans, many of which are either fake accounts, or people obviously NOT from or living in Chicago, that were relentlessly pumped in the thread
14/ Realllllll critical of BLM... in a Crisis thread. Come on. 2.5k likes? Really? Who is pumping this up so much?
15/ There are plenty more examples of this, but I'll stop here for now. It seems obvious that this is a propaganda effort to curry favor for federal troops in Chicago. I bet this will be repeated in other cities. Would there even be a false flag event w/ the same pattern?
16/ Please retweet this if you feel it has legs and needs to be exposed. Follow me too and I'll follow you back if you're interested in being vigilent on these types of events. Cheers y'all /THREAD
PS/ This this is all no big deal and just normal right wing trolling or something, or I needn't be concerned, please tell me! But I saw what happened with Russian trolling in 2016 especially on Reddit, and this looks more sophisticated/targeted than that.
PS2/ sorry I caught a typo but don't want to delete the replies: "if", not "this". In other words let me know if I shouldn't be concerned about this.
PS3/ OH YEA: I reported Namster Do the "CEO OF BLM" as a fake account, because it's OBVIOUSLY A FAKE/MISLEADING ACCOUNT. Guess what @facebook's response was? See below! SHOCKER!! And I did report content too. NOPE! Facebook does not. give. a. shit.
PS4/ If you can think of any mayors, congresspeople like @AOC (shot in the dark there haha), other elected officials or journalists that should see this, PLEASE RETWEET and @ them. THANK YOU EVERYONE
PS5/ THEORY: I think there's a substantial risk that when the federal #TrumpGestapo show up in the South Side, they will 100% try to get into gunfights with citizens, potentially capture it on video and use it for propaganda/justify martial law. They will NOT be welcome there!!
PS6: If any of you you see something similar in any other city, PLEASE LET ME KNOW and I will amplify the message now that there are many eyes on this. DM me or @ me with any evidence/links etc. thank you!!
PS7/ OK I had to do this:

I had a joke about a disinformation campaign to help the Feds invade Chicago, but I didn't want to be Russian to conclusions!
PS8/ I'm not a registered dem or repub... But over the last 3.5 years, I've developed a new political affiliation: Anti-Trump and ALL of his enablers. Whatever limited capacity/influence I have in politics going forward will be first obviously focused on defeating Trump...
PS9/ but then systematically going after every Republican Senator R not named Romney. Then ALL of the representatives who voted against impeachment. Until all of their careers are over. If it takes 20 years, that's my mission. If you feel the same way let's connect. Never forget!
You can follow @hansroyal.
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