Hey friends from monolingual / monocultural anglophone families: how do you distinguish (real or hypothetical) grandparents / parents' siblings on different sides? I'm specifically looking for answers that aren't rooted in linguistic differences between the two 'source' families.
This thought because I just realized that if I had a kid, they would have four grandfathers and all four would be present at the same time at some family gatherings, and that's just a lot. I'm imagining Grampa (G'pa), Pappy, Grandad and GrandJosh.
Follow up: for those who have uncles with names like Tom, Ben, Sam or aunts with names like Jemima, Sally… how have you dealt with it? (e.g., my partner goes by Uncle Tommy to his niblings even though no one has called him Tommy since he was very little)
(This is about names in which the prefix Aunt or Uncle turns the name into a racialized and/or commercialized term)
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