Some people are too comfortable with being alone.

This is a rant.
Some persons have no problems with you. They just love being alone. They have friends but there's a limit to what they allow their friends know about them. And usually, it's always unexplainable.
I mean, how do you explain being a virtual friend with someone for over a year, yet still holding on to your incomprehensible mantra of being anonymous? Or meeting with people?

I don't think this is an "introvert" thing. There's more. There has to be.
What's more? They are almost unapologetic about it. They ghost without explanations. Do they feel bad? Maybe. But that doesn't matter, because even if they do, they are done. They are really done.

They crush their goals silently. They stay indoors all day. They hate noise.
They find it hard to maintain that euphoric vibe that comes with meeting someone new. It's terrible but they can't voice out.

This might be a nascent discovery to many, but it's a thing. A popular thing, in fact.

I have met people of this kind. In fact, I think I am one.
Some people think they are boring. Others think it's a transiting-to-maturity phase. A few more think it's a product of pride.

While these might be true, they might not, too.

Some of these people don't even like that they are like that.
They want to care for people the way people care for them. For the very few people who know them, they are some of the sweetest persons you'll come across. Shy but romantic; hyper but selective.

Is there a way to solve this "problem"? It's eating deep into many of us.

Btw, if you are some people, indicate here 🤚
We need help!!!!!!
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