1 like = 1 minor Star Wars character who deserves to be in more things
Greer Sonnel, pilot extraordinaire and confidant of both Leia and Han.
Sick with bloodburn, a degenerative disease caused by too much exposure to space. I need to know that she's okay!
Pash "Bash" Davane, mechanic turned rebel with a great love-hate relationship with Leia.
Can and will crush you.
Gannis Ducain, the evil opportunist who stole the Falcon off Han...
...and almost immediately regretted it. Gannis ain't so bad.
Currently pulling his weight in the Resistance.
Winloss and Nokk, creature hunting couple with a moral compass that's put them at odds with Doctor Aphra more times than they care for.
Astrid and Freya Fenris. How did family of a smuggler become one of the galaxy's premier racers?
Nik Hepho, bounty hunter specialising in eradicating members of the Church of the Force. Could possibly be Lor San Tekka's least favourite person if we only had a story to show us.
Taka Jamoreesa. All style, no gender. Once helped Han and Lando save the galaxy, but their story is far from over.
The Crimson Corsair, Sidon Ithano, and his merry band of pirates. Whether they're hunting treasure or flying with the Resistance over Exegol, a day in their lives is never dull.
Sister Six, bloodthirsty Xexto gunslinger swayed by Hera Syndulls to sling her laser blasts at stormtroopers.
Sana Starros, sadly overshadowed by Aphra both in and out of universe. Still a badass in her own right.
Ketsu Onyo, Sabine's girlf - err, regular friend. Mandalorian turned Black Sun mercenary turned rebel. Leads a full life that we've seen way too little of.
Evaan Verlaine, veteran of the Battle of Yavin. Queen of Alderaan in Leia's absence, making her home in the remains of the superweapon that destroyed her home planet.
Eleodie Maracavanya, pirate in possession of a freaking Super Star Destroyer, and so criminally underused zhe doesn't even have a picture of zher for me to show you.
Sinjir Rath Velus, ex-Imperial Loyalty Officer who worked his way up to Mon Mothma's right hand man. Gay icon.
Rael Averross, the Jedi Who Fucks. No picture, but assume he's one handsome son of a bitch. Dooku's first Padawan who's not too enamored with the Jedi Order.
L'ulo L'ampar, squad mate of both Poe and his mother Shara. Practically helped raise our favourite trigger-happy flyboy.
Dr Evazan. Creator of the Decraniated, favourite surgeon of the Guavian Death Gang, and terrifying sadist. But will he ever get Ponda his arm back?
Grakkus the Hutt, collector of Jedi artifacts and the thiccest crime lord you'll ever see.
Ransolm Casterfo, one of Leia's closest political allies. Collects nazi artifacts and revealed Leia's parentage, so not exactly perfect though. Somehow survived instating the death penalty on his planet and being the first person sentenced to it.
The Freemakers. Yes, they're canon, deal with it.
Cassie Cryer and Ione Marcy. They might have stolen Ahsoka's lightsaber, but their only true crime was getting their lesbian asses away from an abuser. They're cool.
Barriss Offee, muslim-coded terrorist who needs some frickin' redemption, fast.
Rook Kast, inspiration for everybody's favourite Mandalorian, Sabine. Also a badass and a Maulfucker.
Movie characters or not, Rose and Jannah got shafted and deserved way more. Tran and Ackie have great chemistry off-screen and their characters never even got to meet smh.
Fenn Rau, if only to see the sickest ship in the galaxy again.
Latts Razzi. Sick weapon and hangs out with my lizard boy, what more do you want?
For a man whose clones changed the galaxy, we've seen very very little of Jango Fett lately...
Enfys Nest. Actual masked superhero and the best part of Solo by far.
Benthic Two Tubes, freedom fighter under both Enfys and Saw Gerrera. Now leading Saw's Partisans from what remains of the Jedha system. One pissed off Tognath.
Passel Argente, Magistrate of the Corporate Alliance and member of the Seperatist Council. Never got his proper dues in TCW like some of his fellow council members.
Probably because of his ridiculous fashion statements.
Lassa Rhayme, pirate captain of the Blood Bone Order. She maintains a ruthless image, but is actually rather merciful. Survived the Clone Wars and took to smuggling for a cause, supplying Saw's Partisans with weaponry.
Crusher Roodown. One of Unkar Plutt's top scavengers, until Unkar got displeased with him and had his arms removed.
Needs to one day return the favour.
Bazine Netal, top spy for the First Order. First hired by Kylo Ren to track down what we assume to be Vader's helmet. Later alerts the FO to BB-8's presence on Takodana, and tracks the Millennium Falcon to Batuu.
Doctor Pershing, the only Imperial who seems to care for Baby Yoda. The Kaminoan emblem on his arm should be a good hint as to Yodito's origins.
Larma D'acy, commander in the Resistance who was essential to its survival after the Battle of D'Qar. Also notable of course for giving Star Wars a much needed sliver of representation by snogging her wife Wrobie Tryce on Ajan Kloss.
Cradossk, high ranking member of the Bounty Hunters Guild and father of the greatest bounty hunter of all time. Give me a story telling us why Bossk has the mother of all daddy issues!
Moroff, a member of Saw's Partisans, was originally set to fight on Scarif. Doesn't appear there in the final film though, which means he's no doubt still out there shooting fools for the right price.
Lux Bonteri. After failing to romance an obvious lesbian in the Clone Wars, Lux went on to advise a group of rebel extremists under the codename Mentor. Iden Versio infiltrated and dismantled this group, but in the end only stunned Lux. Will they meet again as rebel allies?
Constable Zuvio.
Because Heath made me.
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