1 like = 1 unpopular* 1d albums/songs opinion (*term applied LOOSELY)
let's start with a feisty one . this song has potential in the verses (it literally begins flawlessly) but the chorus came and ruined it i literally skip the chorus when i listen https://open.spotify.com/track/07bky96LlghaYmiKPYTY3h?si=qfgxgmNaTEuiti4lp6lyUA
now as for Her..... i wish i could defend her but the cringe lyrics are too in ur face i cant ignore them . i will not pretend the melody isnt a bop tho even if its sampled from journey https://open.spotify.com/track/2Bs4jQEGMycglOfWPBqrVG?si=X-WvMw-MQ_-L2mCZkct9WQ
most of my fav 1d songs r written by louis which is no surprise but also some of my least fav.... so he has the range and i love him for that !
ok im about to get Angry yall..... it has come to my attention just THIS YEAR that apparently a lot of people hate this song.. despicable. blasphemous. yall disgust me. this song gave birth 2 me ok no its not That good but its GOOD https://open.spotify.com/track/0OXbRangbVBMejFX3EV6DN?si=7ooTX_N9RwS_yRtKdKKmcw
on the opposite side of where end of the day stands, this song's verses are literally HOT GARBAGE !!!! but the chorus??? HMMMMH delicious . the verses still do ruin it for me tho not gonna lie i skip it 50% of the time https://open.spotify.com/track/3NLnwwAQbbFKcEcV8hDItk?si=Q1IWFPltQbKsPfd9v5LgOA
i dont think this ones unpopular lmao but BEST SINGLE ON UAN haaands down. absolutely . best mv. best era. the Day the video dropped (january 13th 2012,, i will never forget that date) is when i consciously made the decision to begin being a full full stan https://open.spotify.com/track/5G2c6FsfTzgYUzageCmfXY?si=oaYIAk9yRA238e6icvzm8w
again, not unpopular, but this song scientifically has Zero flaws. it also makes me cry like a little bitch but it should be allowed to do that ! everybody say thank u louis. https://open.spotify.com/track/0uZzdkuzJEjFzaRR2HQ5mj?si=iCeqODEiRh-EIH4kVvq5NQ
battle round --> in deciding who wins the battle of the worst song on UAN between up all night and save you tonight (because it must be 1 of those 2), one must realize that the pre-chorus in save you tonight absolutely SAVES the entire song so yea uan is the worst song on uan .
gosh this one ....couldve been one of the greats. it couldve become Someone. its someone but it could be Someone.. if it didnt have so much repetition.. too much repetition for lyrics that r so simple that u know them after 1 listen. not a skip at all tho! https://open.spotify.com/track/6M31fPFCYB8Job3MCjjrDV?si=6PNORiqxStSM94KinB7OWw
think maybe 1 person's gonna b mad at me but this is NOT the best song on four. like cmon !!!! not when fireproof, wdbhg, no control, and fools gold exist . bop tho thank u harry https://open.spotify.com/track/6AzCBeiDuUXGXjznBufswB?si=RTDP7d5LRcO_ikrT69tQbQ
speaking of four, (best album ofc), i get LIVID bc of how arranged the songs. seal my grill shouldve never been a single. 1st single should be wdbhg, 2nd single 18 (bc the GP would lovve it), & 3rd single no control. also deluxe tracks r bad in comparison to the rest of the album
another tragic example of a song that Couldve been a hall of famer but instead decided to fully slack in the chorus (and the verses are not nearly good enough to salvage it) so it rests comfortably near the bottom of my full song list https://open.spotify.com/track/3yhVmOZSpZqnhRrEiYI0EJ?si=u_8UAE2MTYGnpHxM7Y8dxg
ill continue w more later but for now... BOP BOP BOP BOP yes the lyrics are reallllly severely Bad but sonically the song itself is flawless . https://open.spotify.com/track/4lxaurdMyGkt1tOrdwRoVO?si=9g8_rFtXRGqY8eN0bI0FkQ
i cannot begin to explain the goosebumps..the sparks...the fuzzies... i feel when i listen to this song. whoever says its boring literally lacks the intellectual capacity to recognize a brilliant piece of songwriting. not to mention the fucking HARMONIES https://open.spotify.com/track/1dD1aarWotVIiFo5gGdMc2?si=k_K3XGj7TL-cqeUccC0IjQ
we have here a PRIME early-one-direction example of a song with shitty lyrics that is nevertheless a literal perfect song sonically. like i cant stress this enough. my number 4 (ish bc it obv fluctuates) out of their entire repertoire . https://open.spotify.com/track/4k4qvQSDrWHeKGtAPbJPYL?si=vbx4WrYlRPGCnEb5S-BcXQ
she makes me Sick. its not a bad song, per se, but... the boys seemed so rehearsed during mitam promo when theyd be asked what their fav song on the album is & theyd be like. history, right boys? we know they told u to say that ..also the MV makes me upset https://open.spotify.com/track/0HMjXBAZmSYOTTi33WpMso?si=Vr4qunAuRvqJPg3EouwayQ
definition -- DEFINITION -- of underrated, namely by the general public. deserves to be put in a happy dance scene in a film, and if no one does it before me then i will make it happen https://open.spotify.com/track/4hJfmMjy3wFIOknfYwhouY?si=5GIwJ_CpTM-QWa-ORNMCBQ
this song makes me so. :(( :( bc 1) its obbjectively perfect and 2) they performed this the last time i ever saw them perform and it makes me so sad bc i jsut wanna hear them do it again https://open.spotify.com/track/5omYVLodGmaxnhua99xIE8?si=0CeAsKIFRdOPEzYqtlUc-w
i know that this song is NOT underrated by stans but it definitely got paid dust by 1d themselves and the GP. they said POP PUNK ANTHEM INCOMING! https://open.spotify.com/track/2pFEbA6GdNxBOMn9Egvowm?si=eVufygxbSjqb073l_G2Bpw
this song is literally the đŸ„ș emoji. i love it so much but it pains me SOOO much. harry was rly going through it when he wrote it and i jus wanna smooch him on the forehead and tell him its gonna be okay https://open.spotify.com/track/2Jfsw01CDT5XetSFROs9v5?si=zUBXpseITxO4-ROiGZgPvw
this one's a...... tricky one for me. i have the strongest love-hate relationship w an emphasis on hate fjdsks but if im in the right mood.. u will not hear the end of it from me ! DRIVING BOP https://open.spotify.com/track/5UgsZiYk1lkEobuPHmRtWm?si=ECoyeDixRhiBCesjc6W34A
this song's sole purpose was to attract the general public ... the lyrics are fake deep and their only redemption was harry embarrassingly serenading louis w them every single fucking time https://open.spotify.com/track/7kSLdGdXLey7pzLsWpdg1h?si=tqSRRMC1R_-cAzR21Aqw4g
i remember when four came out and the 1975 stans were mad bc this song sounds a lot like some of the guitar riffs in the 1975 songs but like... who cares ! i do wish the chorus was better tho :( https://open.spotify.com/track/2skzofTV9Ys3eN70pghEHL?si=nSaPG2NzQmeYDaV2TSPaLA
this is one of those songs that u only remember it exists every few months and when u listen to it again ur whole world is SHAKEN to its core bc of the vivid memories of searching up lyric videos for it on youtube in 2011,, ANYWAY shitty but a bop:) https://open.spotify.com/track/6xnh4eQ4poVpqQBacETxia?si=53hHFnPrSLuQjJLTPpVbGw
for me this is one of Those where if im talking to a non-stan, i claim i dont like it and that they should instead listen to their more obscure songs, but when its just me, in, say, my car, i fucking GO OFFFFFF. also the music video said wheres my oscar??? https://open.spotify.com/track/5T7ZFtCcOgkpjxcuaeZbw0?si=o5oBIJArQhmHSCppx2l-pQ
if u think this song is misogynistic u havent listened closely enough. it is a complex and deep critique of capitalism, and karl marx is cancelled for failing to credit one direction for his ideas https://open.spotify.com/track/0deCThIYWh9SH6cimA3nZx?si=MN-GN57tSt2zt7n-iELorQ
album ranks LETS GO!

PERSONAL ranking

forever fav:

mm/four (cant choose)

now, a more objective ranking by QUALITY!





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