1 like = 1 magical trick, tool, idea, joke, hot take, whatever.
1//there is no wrong way to practice magick, though there are absolutely wrong ways to engage with certain traditions or currents.
2// accepting and understanding your relationship to your environment and the way that your actions affect others is imperative. you must be ready to take responsibility for failure as well as success. owning all of your own energy puts you in control.
3// when you see an ominous sign while divining, resisting it has a tendency to make it worse. in other words, the easiest way to make the tower fall is to try really hard to support it.
4// you learn more from doing wrong than from thinking about how to do right, but it's usually best to not take on infinite risk.
5// learn battle magic. there are mean and evil entities out there and they want what you have. old timer maguses all agree on at least the second point.
6// there are literally millions of spirits of the dead who haven't interacted with anyone in years and years. they are sad, hurt, and starving. being a friend to the dead is humbling and beneficial.
7// being an edgelord is fun, actually, and as long as you don't take it too seriously it's good for self-empowerment purposes. especially if you have self esteem problems.
8// sacrificing ideas is just as valid sacrificing physical objects
9// to some extent "i'm rubber, you're glue" is a valid answer to hexes and other baneful magic
10// find the root of your problems, don't just punch at leaves.
11// you can create a bubble or pocket of joy anywhere, that does not mean that the darkness goes away
12// do not be passive aggressive with another mage. it is much easier to do battle in the arena of words than the arena of magic.
13// your ancestors are there and love you, even if you don't know their names. you can reach out to them at any time if you want!
14// don't ignore your dreams if you can help it. you spend one third of your life asleep, on average. being present or having awareness during rest can be a positive thing (vs staying vigilant or on guard)
15// some times you must cringe for your gods. yes, it's cringe to go outside or be a weirdo, but if you want your magic to be great you may not have a choice.
16// make friends with local spirits. trees, plants, birds, etc. they can all be friends.
17// if you feel like shit, it's pretty hit-or-miss if doing something will actually help. many people turn to magick as if it is a "quick fix" for anything, but it is rarely so straightforward.
18// the god question still eludes me. you can answer it reasonably well with "the big bang" if you need to (everything in the universe shares a common origin)
19// you will eventually encounter someone who is predatory or parasitic or just too fucked up to understand what they're doing. they aren't always true evil, but don't be afraid to gtfo if they're suspect.
20// if the world is moving towards equilibrium, then you must destroy as well as create.
21// all you have to do is find an "in" to something and you can probably affect or manipulate it.
22// learning never ends. when you accomplish one goal, another can be viewed on the horizon.
23// can you do anything with magick? i don't know, but i think the true avant-garde in the discipline are willing to try anything. we're living in a time of great possibility.
24// if you end up out of your depth, call in a professional. there are thousands of us and we all need money!
25// don't sign any pacts that you expect to break later, unless you are fully aware of what that means.
26// discernment may never be mastered, but it should always be practiced. Knowing what you're looking at/sensing/whatever is imperative to your work.
27// try not to join the 27 club
28// many things are temporary. Maybe not everything though. Most things are much older than we can imagine in this state.
29// they say where you put your attention, your energy goes. Do not feed things that do not deserve it.
30// a synchronicity is sometimes merely what time it is.
31// magick seems to be integral to our world (or our experience of it). It is an art but in the same way that there is an art of war.
32// if something does not work for you, find something else. It's really that simple.
33// magical protection should be required for everyone, even if they don't actively practice anything. This way, at the very least they can guard themselves from a paranoiac spiral.
34// FTP
35// healing is not a a straight vector, but almost everything can be healed with the right medicine.
36// bless everything you consume
37// getting lost in hidden meanings is a serious possibility. 7::2 and 5::4 connect to 6::3 for a reason.
38// encode everything. You can always change your codes later.
39// i long for a day where we can stop arguing about the nature of spirits except in good fun and focus on skillsharing at the very least.
40// magicians were involved in pretty much everything. read zummi's posts and try to find his lectures on it if you can. they changed the game for me.
41// anything can be a ritual if you put in the work
42// beware.
43// wards are pretty easy to get through if you're not a random spirit.
44// have people to bounce ideas off of, especially if they practice extremely differently than you. I believe that a triadic system works best. (8::1,7::2,5::4 of course)
45// sometimes a dream is just a dream. They don't always have to mean something profound.
46// finding your own path can be very alienating at first. Everyone has a lot of opinions and they all want to be right. But the only true answer is whatever is true for you.
47// there is an abundance of spiritual work to be done in our world. It's probably for the best if you aren't merely following what others are doing.
48// being one of the best at something is good and bad. If you run into a problem, you can't call someone with more experience to help you.
49// the 23 enigma is real unless there's some hotel consortium that only gives film crews room 223
50// psychonautics are useful tools, but you don't need them to have mystical experiences. Moreover, spiritual colonialism has tainted/ruined/endangered several indigenous practices.
51// read vinay gupta's essay on spiritual colonialism. He says it a lot better than I ever could, and that essay is more important than pretty much any other book you might read.
52// misogyny is a huge fucking problem (like it is everywhere else). The number of men who have been condescending or lame or creepy to me is astronomical. Ofc women already know this so really this is a suggestion for men to simply do better. If you're so enlightened, stop.
53// there are plenty of valid substitutions but that doesn't mean anything can mean anything. Of course, clever thinking can explain almost anything.
54// if you're feeling stagnated, returning back to basics or to old work can reset things. An old favorite movie or favorite spot can respark your excitement and joy. I use grant morrison's disinfo lecture for this purpose.
55// ethically source your materials. You're better off going without.
56// let yourself taste the food you make, feel your feelings, enjoy your world.
57// all contemporary technology is magick. Period
58// if you are afraid of the dark, evoke solar energy before bed. Free night light.
59// you can meditate while doing anything.
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