@evoskuil I think maybe we can agree on a furtherance. You said "Either fiat will cease to exist or it will collect tax. States only surrender this tax under extreme duress" Perhaps this is true but consider this papers conjecture https://www.bankofcanada.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/swp2016-14.pdf
And these are the counter points given by the paper as to why this won't come about:
People get caught up thinking Nash's thesis was money with perfectly stabilized purchasing power but this statement is really the goal: "There is tremendous value in simply having prices quoted conveniently." All major currencies asymptotically approaching exchange stability.
Do you see/agree btc implies this over time as the paper shows? Do you agree with the paper something will replace it or governments will stop it and how and what would those things be if so? I think you might agree btc implies inter relational exchange rate stability over time
Without conceding or needing to concede states will give up their seigniorage tax (inflation).
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