I think I’ve figured out why people are so vehemently opposed to conspiracy theories. I don’t just mean dismissive, I mean actually triggered/inflamed at them. On the surface it seems like a vast overreaction to something seemingly innocuous - thinking something different.
But I’ve figured out that people don’t like to think that they could be so gravely misled and manipulated. It goes against our very individual sovereignty - it literally takes our free will away to make decisions in our lives based off of lies and false narratives.
However, I think today it is undeniable that the rational thing to do is to give almost every conspiracy theory some serious consideration. I’m the last type of person to buy into irrational thinking -
I have three separate degrees, all of which emphasize objective and unbiased critical thinking and decision making. None more so than Philosophy, where we were trained and had it drilled into our heads to “steel man” opposing arguments, and trained aware of every cognitive bias
Things like “straw men”, “red herrings”, and “ad hominems” are child’s play when you have to write out formal symbolic logical proofs:
1. P—>Q
2. !Q
3. P
4. Q V !Q
Therefore Santa Claus lives in my refrigerator
(That is a valid logical proof. Figure that one out.)
However, it becomes irrational to deny to validity of many conspiracy theories once you consider just a few rather damning examples:

-It’s clear that JFK’s assassination goes beyond Lee Harvey Oswald
-The fact that 9/11, and the pinning on Osama Bin Laden was predicted months prior by noted conspiracy theorist Bill Cooper (who many thought was a wackjob)

-Knowledge that Charles Manson was a subject in the government’s MKUltra project prior to creating the Manson Family
-The Pentagon confirmed the existence of UFO’s, along with many eyewitnesses in the mainstream today
-The fact that human civilization goes back at least 8,000 years before mainstream geologists/archeologists/historians tried to asset (and probably way farther back than that)
-The proven existence of Agent Provocateurs

-Mounting evidence that SARS-CoV-2 was leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology
-The fact that people complained that Bernie’s plans of cancelling student debt and free college was unrealistic because it would have costed an astronomical $2 trillion - meanwhile, when push came to shove, the Fed just printed over $4T out of thin air in less than a month
Most obviously:

-The exposing of a high level sex trafficking/pedophilia ring, and the subsequent deaths to cover the trail
People don’t like being lied to (obviously), and they will even get mad at the possibility that they were vulnerable to it, which makes it perfectly understandable why people have these overzealous negative reactions to conspiracy theories.
As the great Jordan Peterson once said, in one of the most simultaneously damning and enlightening pieces of truths I’ve ever heard:

"The truth is something that burns. It burns off deadwood, and people don't like having their deadwood burned off -
often because they are like 95% deadwood.

It's no joke, when you start to realize how much of what you've constructed of yourself is based on deception and lies. That is a horrifying realization."
If you continue to live in darkness, ignoring your inner intuition, you will live a troubled life forever seeking to numb the parts of you that continue to cry out in truth. It is freeing to accept your situation as a fact, rather than a failing, and continue forward in truth
Anxiety is for the Democrats ✌🏼
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