Speaking with Dr. Roberts was really inspiring and insightful.

I wanted to take a moment to highlight many of the different causes the work of the Freedom Colonies Project is serving. Specifically, the data is being used to help areas with disaster relief and recovery. https://twitter.com/TexasObserver/status/1286367474984923136
The project has found that many of the former Freedom Colonies are located within floodplain areas which leaves them more likely of being at risk of cemeteries, churches and homes being destroyed.

Last week @texasobserver’s @Amal wrote about how the Fifth Ward area, which is historically black, is not only vulnerable to COVID-19 but also unprepared for the next major hurricane and is still recovering from Harvey.
“‘We are not ready for another major hurricane,’ says Reverend James Caldwell, a community advocate and resident of Houston’s Fifth Ward neighborhood. ‘There is an atmosphere of fear and apprehension. Everything is unexpected.’”

By: @amalykinz https://www.texasobserver.org/in-houstons-fifth-ward-the-storm-never-stops/
It’s important to note that in the Northeastern region of Fifth Ward was a former Freedom Colony known as Frenchtown. Folks came to the area in the 1920s “to seek economic opportunity.”

I have more to say about this but have to go host a session. Be back momentarily.
Okay, I'm back
Another point. Existing policies also make it hard to preserve much of this history that is threatened by not only natural disasters or hazards but also expansion of nearby cities.
An example of this can be seen through late activist, archivist and retired longshoreman Reginald Moore’s fight for the preservation of the mass gravesite of 95 convicted black laborers. It was discovered during a Fortbend ISD construction project.

All of this to say, that the work that Dr. Roberts and her team are doing is essential to building a better future for black, brown and indigenous communities, especially those in rural areas which we tend to paint as white and conservative.
Right now, the Texas Freedom Colonies Project is looking for volunteers to help build their county archive of freedom colonies for the state.

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