I remember watching Bradley Martyn and Simeon Panda have this epic squat session with a shit ton of plates on each side. I would watch shook to my core but motivated to one day get there.
I remember watching CT Fletcher before every fucking workout. EVERY FUCKING WORKOUT. I had a poster of him above my bed. I remember watching Mike Rashid and Big Rob. I wanted to match their intensity and work ethic so badly
I followed Corey G on twitter and Snapchat. Squat every day became my thing as well. I used to wake myself up at 5 fucking AM to his “WAKE YO ASS UP” snap story. I used to run around Texas Tech rec like a maniac.. not caring what anybody thought of me
I remember discovering Barbell Bridage and literally binge watching all of their videos. Bart and Geo are GOATS to me. I’ve always respected the platform they have built. I wanted to train at their gym so badly
That workout video with CT Fletcher, Kai Green, and Dana Lin Bailey is still present in my brain.. bruh wtf. They were going hard. I wanted to train like them so badly.
Hard work fucking pays off. I watched all of those people and never once got “discouraged” about the amount of weight or how big or “good” they looked. I always thought “I can do that too”. I challenged myself every day. “Get better today” “get better today” “get better today”
I was real life obsessed with grinding until I could say I could hang with those people. I can look back now and be proud of all the work I’ve put in. I’m never satisfied but I’m proud. I’m not done yet. There’s still so much more to do. But man I’m happy with my lifting journey
My only YouTube views used to come from my moms friends because she used to send them out via Facebook.. I remember I got happy one day because I had 10 fucking views. That’s why I’m thankful NOW for anyone that takes the time out to fuck with what I do.
That’s why I don’t play in the gym. Anyone that knows me in real life knows I get in a different zone. I don’t talk to people, i don’t break concentration, I just get straight to business. That’s my time to work. I’m trying to be the best I can be.
I say all of this to say. Be obsessive over your craft. Zone in. Don’t listen to the doubters and keep fucking pushing. I just see so many people hesitate or give up too early. Man GRIND.
You can follow @RusSwole.
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