I like presidents who don’t tear gas moms.
I like presidents who don’t cage babies.
I like presidents who don’t mock the disabled.
I like presidents who don’t rape women in department stores.
I like presidents who don’t demonize people of color.
I like presidents who don’t let 142 thousand of their citizens die because of their own ineptitude.
I like presidents who don’t foment racial discord.
I like presidents who don’t expect applause for successfully identifying an elephant.
I like presidents who don’t impeached for abusing their office for private political gain.
I like presidents who don’t weaponize secret police forces to attack and abduct peaceful protesters.
I like presidents who don’t vilify Mexicans, Gold Star families, shithole countries, women, gays, transgender soldiers, Black athletes, John McCain, Elijah Cummings, Baltimore, peaceful protesters and a free, unfettered press.
I like presidents who don’t actively seek to suppress the vote.
I like presidents who don’t completely ignore Russian bounties on the heads of American soldiers.
I like presidents who don’t exert more effort protecting dead Confederates than live Americans.
I like presidents who don’t hold health briefings solely to massage their fragile egos.
I like presidents who don’t scapegoat Black American protesters for the spread of Covid instead of his own ignorance and incompetence.
I like presidents who don’t assiduously circumvent the Constitution, the rule of law, and our system of checks and balances.
I like presidents who don’t demean judges, allies, legislators, dissenters, the press and our most sacrosanct democratic norms and institutions.
I like presidents who don’t traffic in mistruths, conspiracy theories, and deadly science-denial.
I like presidents who don’t pretend that tragedies aren’t occurring and who beleive magical-thinking will make them disappear.
I like presidents who don’t sow fear, rancor and division simply to rev up their White supremacist base.
I like presidents who aren’t racists, morons, swindlers, whiners, draft dodgers, business failures, con men, inveterate liars or white nationalists.
I like presidents who don’t blame economic woes on immigrants, foreigners and People of Color or ban travelers based on their religion.
I like presidents who don’t answer mass shootings with empty platitudes while pledging fealty to the gun lobby.
I like presidents who don’t espouse family values while paying hush money to their porn actress mistress.
I like presidents who don’t regard Neo-Nazis as “good, fine people.”
I like presidents who don’t create imaginary migrant caravans to gin up pre-midterm fear.
I like presidents who don’t lie, cheat, abuse their power, and use the office of the presidency to enrich themselves.
I like presidents who don’t try to hastily reopen schools without a plan to protect our teachers and children.
I like who presidents who trust American intelligence agencies over the “word” of an authoritarian dictator.
I like presidents who don’t try to strip millions of Americans of their health coverage, especially those with preexisting conditions.
I like presidents who take responsibility for their actions, not casting blame on everyone else for their actions and inaction.
I like presidents who understand that dissent is a pillar of democracy and that there is nothing more patriotic than forcing America to live up to its highest ideals and aspirations.
I like presidents who do everything they can to curtail attacks on our electoral integrity by pernicious foreign adversaries instead of doing nothing.
You can follow @bryanbehar.
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