Short thread: WE( #Wehaveaproblem) did not invent school based citizenship or activism programming. Nor its fundraising link. They just went all in on a particularly toxic mix of philanthro-capitalism and unabashed white saviour junk.
World Vision Canada had this area (schools based global ed) pretty much locked down until the 90s (30hr famine anyone?) In the UK, Oxfam had a massive global education team with lots of school/teacher connections until about 2008. There were many others. Some great some lousy.
Anyone who knew basic ethics and good practice in WE's areas of work (be it global citizenship in Cda or "development work" intly) could easily suspect they were not a Force For Good. But damn they could sell and schmooze. And they pushed for scale harder and better than anyone.
There are a lot of issues swirling around WE. One of the biggest disappointments I've had (historically and now) is that we don't ask for credible evidence of impact. (Both pos and mgmt of negative) Bc to me, for a charity, that should be a condition of your right to exist.
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