Air Signs ♊♎♒ love life, tarot reading -

A connection you have with someone has really shaken you to the core. You’ve been thinking a LOT about the future with this person, but this may have brought up a lot of fears, especially around expressing how you feel. For some of
You, you or this person may have walked away from this connection in the past. Someone may have even moved house or countries bc we start the reading with the 8 of cups. There’s a sense of longing here, but this separation was definitely needed in order for you both to heal. This
Connection is definitely a strong one, and there is a very strong intuitive pull between you both. You might feel this persons energy around you even if you’re far apart, and even if you’re not speaking. This person feels it too. When you met this person, the intensity of the
Connection may have come as a shock for both of you. There’s a lot of defensiveness here around truly being open with your feelings and being vulnerable. With the 6 of cups I’m seeing this most likely has come from childhood, where you may have felt abandoned or there just wasn’t
That emotional closeness from a parent or guardian. For some of you, this connection may have triggered a lot of those buried feelings within you, and maybe forced you to face them in a way. I do see though that this was actually the same for your person too, and that both of
You have really done a lot of this healing work. 11:11 as I’m typing this. Okay so there is a LOT of passion here. Like a LOT. A very strong attraction between you both, but not just that, it’s stronger because of this deep soul and love connection you have. I’m feeling a lot of
This is unspoken so far, but I do see a change coming soon here. For a lot of you that are at a long distance, I see travel coming in. We have the 3 & 2 of wands, 8 of cups and the 8 of wands. Someone here, whether it’s you or your person, is travelling fast towards the other.
You may still be feeling a little defensive about how to go about this, or how to open up. You value your independence and don’t want to lose that, but you’re not realising that your person is like that too. I don’t see this person trying to tie you down here. In the past you
Might have dealt with people who were overbearing and made you feel trapped. Maybe you’re worried that will happen again. Clearly communicate this with your person, because if you don’t let this person know how you feel, you’ll stay defensive and confused. I do see that this
Persons actually very independent too, and they would like a committed relationship, but not one that makes them feel trapped. Both of you might actually be feeling the same but not telling the other . There is a need for clear communication here to make sure things don’t get
Confused. Strong Taurus, Virgo, Aries, Pisces, Cancer, Sagittarius energy ( any placement ) but it can be any sign just take what resonates. I see a lot of balance coming in to this connection and a more equal amount of give and take. One of you may be giving more than the other
Currently and there’s a need for balance, but I do see that coming in perhaps after a conversation between the two of you where you are open and honest with eahcother. I see movement coming in here within the next 3/4 weeks. If not actual travel then some significant
Communication. You and this person obviously have a veryyyy strong connection because the emperor and the empress came out next to eachother đŸ„ș. But the moon card is here with the ace of cups. It’s time to open up!!! You are tired of keeping these feelings hidden, and don’t worry
They won’t be for much longer. Tell this person how you feel without fear of rejection or judgement. The amount of hidden feelings here is crazy! It’s like neither of you want to budge but I do feel the feminine energy ( doesn’t have to be gender ) in this connection is a BIT
More open. But I do see with the world and temperance here, under hearth the lovers and high priestess ((đŸ„ș😍 !!!! )) there is going to be a new romantic cycle beginning between you two. (Strong Gemini energy here too ). I see these feelings coming to the surface. Once this
Conversation is had and these feelings expressed, there is going to be a massive shift and change, and healing will begin between you. There is definitely a massive potential for a long term commitment here bc the 10 of pentacles is on the bottom of the deck. Don’t hold back
From expressing yourself. This isn’t like the past. This person loves you the way you love them, and you know that. For a lot of you they’ve even subtly shown it, and you know it, but still the fear creeps in. There’s a sense of self doubt, but you’ve been working on it and
All of that hard work will be paying off. For some of you, there may still be a need for you to release your ex. There may be a final thing from that part of your past that you need to let go of and release. You may have been lied to or deceived in the past, maybe you’re scared
That will happen again. I don’t see that happening here, but you’re needing to heal from that and love yourself in order to move forward. A lot of you have been doing that though and don’t give up because you’re nearly done with that healing.
Express your passion and do not let your anxieties make you doubt your own intuition and this love. These feelings are going to be coming to the surface soon! Both of you have grown impatient of hiding them. Some of you are going to be taking this relationship to the next level
VERY soon. You may be going on a trip too 👀. Stay optimistic here and allow love into your life. You deserve this love and this is not a trick, and nothing is going to happen here that happened in the past. Clear out the past to make way for the new, and forgive yourself and
Others. The numbers 1,2,3,6,8 are significant. 💕 so are the autumn months. Changes are coming, don’t let your fears stop you from being happy!
A lot of people have been asking where to tip so here’s the link. Tips are massively appreciated but not required, they just allow me to keep doing general readings like this one  💘

Cashapp : ÂŁavxxgreen
:) on the bottom of the deck lol what are yous waiting for đŸ€Ł
What you need to hear rn 💕 some affirmations for you 💖💖
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