thread on the history of the terms first and third world and how liberal academia aided the empire:
to start, the original meaning of the denominations of first, second & third worlds were never meant be rankings of devolpment or wealth.

they designated the ideological alignment of the division of the three worlds inhabiting the planet and were ranked in terms of global power
1st world: the capitalist countries w the most global power, gained through the primitive accumulation of stolen wealth & labor through colonial conquest

2nd world: the communist bloc

3rd world: unaligned nations predominately victimized by the first world’s colonial conquest
the goal of the western empire, since its foundation, has been global domination.

part of accomplishing this goal necessarializes the obfuscation of the ideology inherent to the essential expansion of the capitalist empire through colonial and imperialist conquest.
given that the first/second/third world terminology centered ideology at its core, this categorization was a threat to the western empire, labeled at the time “the first world” due to its positionality of “first place” in an ongoing ideological war taking place on a global scale
the first world was not only ranked first in positionality in terms of global power and influence, but as an essential aspect of the capitalist structure which relies on brutal expansion and exportation of the exploitation inherent to its system.
a ranking of the division of the worlds can only happen while operating under a global structure controlled by capitalists. when the last capitalist is defeated there will be no first world, no second world, no third world. humanity will be free to begin collective restoration.
the western empire deliberately obfucated the meaning of “world” terminology away from its origins of ideological alignment and positionality to the detrimental association of “1st world” with “wealthy” & tying it to “quality of life” and 3rd world with “poor” & “undeveloped”
this deliberate obfuscation that favors the global domination of the empire had its wave paved by the collapse of the soviet union and therefore the disappearance of the “second world” from the discourse.
it was never the first world which was to be strived for, it was the second.

the blatant existence of violent hierarchies will always lead to revolution.

the existence of the first world (the capitalist world), just like the owning class, will always be revolted against.
therefore, changing the terminology away from its ideological and hierarchal expression of positionality of power, favors the empire’s false narrative of benevolency under the guise of “progress” and “development”
liberal academia has problematized the terminology, labeling it as one that instills western superiority due to the way empire hijacked the narrative; however instead of fighting back & weaponizing the terminology’s original intent against the empire; academia has aided empire
the goal isnt “development” the goal is liberation. communism is the only way we achieve liberation.

fuck academia and their role in changing the discourse to the “developed world” vs the “underdeveloped world”

development is not benevolent, it has been absolutely violent.
the existence of a “first world” is the existence of a world that must be overthrown in order to obtain global liberation & eliminate hierarchies

the narrative of the “developed world” pushes assimilation, something to be strived to achieve rather than rebelled against.
TL;DR the terms first, second & third world are a whole lot less fucked up than “developed nations” and “underdeveloped nations”
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