Additionally, @TexasHHSC, please see the following articles by experts, stating the harm that is occurring to residents in the absence of their #EssentialCarePartners...

The 1st, by @CharchuRn
"...for many nursing home residents, a visit is not simply a social call. Many family members are not company as much as essential caregivers and care monitors. Their involvement is vital, especially at facilities with shortages in staffing."— @DavidCGrabowski @jasonkarlawish
. @TexasHHSC, this applies to the U.S. and to Texas too:
"We are not considering the risks of what lockdown is doing, we are only focusing on preventing #COVID19 from getting into homes." @TexasHHSC: 👇
"The risks associated with ongoing and prolonged visitor restrictions have started to outweigh the risks associated with potential #COVID19 infection...”

@TexasHHSC, "The goal was to protect residents from the coronavirus as the pandemic began to escalate...and now, families argue, the harms of isolation exceed potential benefits" by @judith_graham
The collateral damages of lockdown in #LTC: depression, weight loss, pressure ulcers, falls & worsening responsive behaviors.

From veteran reporter (and LTC expert) @MoiraWelsh...

This applies not just to Ontario, but also to Texas LTCFs:
@TexasHHSC "Advocates are calling on the state to mandate that each resident in a senior care facility have at least one 'support person visitor' who would undergo the same screening for COVID-19 as people who work at the facility."
@TexasHHSC, England/Wales data reveals that, beyond deaths linked to Covid-19, there were 83% more deaths from dementia than usual in April, because a reduction in essential medical care and family visits were taking a devastating toll. — @guardian
“...We absolutely need family bc they are known to be a vital safeguard for residents…against abuse and neglect.” — @DrVivianS

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, NH residents in Canada have died of dehydration & malnutrition amid allegations of neglect...

It's the same in Texas
@TexasHHSC, "The harm from [the #EssentialCarePartner ban] goes far beyond emotional damage. It has also led to newly low standards of care in many facilities, charge some patients, their relatives & doctors."

Written re: CA, this applies to TX NHs also
This is #sad. I hope @TexasHHSC responds better than DPH in this instance—even though it's late & after more NH residents have died & suffered harm from #isolation than from covid—it would beat allowing MORE residents to die of isolation & suffer neglect
@TexasHHSC, @LouiseAronson writes in the @nytimes:

"Since late February, the stories from NHs & ALFs have been appalling: people dying of neglect...starving to death; defeated people lying in bed or staring out windows with no hope of reprieve..."
@TexasHHSC, perhaps this could be a model for allowing #EssentialFamilyCaregivers inside Texas #nursinghomes. This JAMDA article is by a facility medical director in Cincinnati 👇

#EssentialCarePartner #eldercare #NotJustAVisitor #MoreThanAVisitor
@TexasHHSC, please see this valuable perspective from @NishaOttawa, a Pediatric ID + IPAC physician working in LTC.

"There appears to be an ageist resistance to 'essential visitors' in LTC that belies social supports as a main determinant of health."
@TexasHHSC, this is the link to Minnesota's policy that distinguishes between #EssentialCaregivers & casual visitors (no link in 1st tweet). PLEASE consider it when writing Texas guidelines allowing #EssentialFamilyCaregivers inside NFs.

Thank you!
@TexasHHSC, this is an excellent example of how #FamilyCaregivers could safely be allowed in NFs to provide #EssentialCare.

Please read this 5-step plan from the Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario:

#EssentialCarePartner #MoreThanAVisitor
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