One of the most damnable lies in US history is that there's a "black" community. We were never the same; segregation forced us to live amongst each other. There's never been any unity, ever. Black is not a race. Black is a social class. (IMAGE: African Muslims capturing slaves)
Say hi to the original slave master: the Arabian Muslim. These Africans taught Europeans the ins-and-outs of the slave trade industry, which is STILL happening right now in Africa.
Black-on-black murder and crime is nothing new. It's the heart of Africa. Africa is full of different races of "black." There is no such thing as a single black race. Forcing people to live together based on skin color leads to violence. (IMAGE: Arabian Muslims selling slaves)
We are not the same, never were. Skin color is not a race. This is an "Arab." The Islamic slave trade began capturing and enslaving Africans around 700 AD. And right now, Arabians are still actively capturing and trading slaves. And we wonder why black-on-black murder is so high.
Black is not a race. Over 130 "African" tribes were extracted from Africa during the Transatlantic slave trade: many races. Then we were forced to look at ourselves as a "community" based only on a common experience of slavery. No wonder crime is high in the "black" community...
American slavery was never about white supremacy. White supremacy did not and does not exist.
For too long black people have been told lies and myths about Christianity, told that Christianity was used to enslave black people, to keep us docile servants. READ "DEFEATING ANTICHRIST: Demolishing the Myth That Christianity is the Oppressor's Religion" 
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