🌟why emi w0ng and chloe t1ng's workouts are not the best🌟
i have nothing against them personally. all the information in this thread i gathered from:

for those who do not know, emi w0ng is a hong kong based influencer whose videos are primarily about fitness. chloe t1ng is also a fitness influencer from brunei.
the problem with emi: many of her videos are misleading. 'sexy collarbones', girl, use some common sense. by working out you are working the muscles. how can that affect a bone?? can you work your ribs too?
the only way for the collarbone to become more prominent is to lose weight (sorry, you can not spot reduce!)
the first exercise being a shrug you can already tell it is basically NONSENSE. that exercise, paired with resistance, works your trapezius. again, not your collarbones.
let's not even comment how she throws in random cool down/warm up/stretch exercises in the middle of a workout. head tilt?? how does that help?
the worst part? that exercise, used in the collarbone video, relaxes the trapezius, so you are not getting anything.
another exercise: bicep stretch
ah yes, performed in elementary school during warmups! it stretches your deltoid. it is on your shoulders, NOT biceps
she does not even know the actual names of the exercises she performs. or the what they are for. and you still trust her?
do not worry, the worst is yet to come!
her "hiit" videos. aka, some of her most popular.
hiit stands for high intensity interval training. by doing this training with short pauses, your exercise will be more effective. many athletes use it.
by doing a hiit workout, your heart rate spikes to 150-180. after doing it, you are not supposed to be able to talk. you will only be panting.
and what does emi do? squat punches, ballet half kicks, high planks to down dogs. planks.
those are mostly stationary exercises and stretches. does that sound like it burns tons of calories?
spoiler, they do not. they burn 1 calorie per minute max. but hey, after her workout, you will have burned half a tomato!
you will burn the same amount of calories (1) by going to the bathroom! drink tons of water, go to the bathroom 15 times and you will have completed an emi w0ng workout!
and we all know that by burning 3500 calories you burn 1 lb of fat.
also, the burning you are feeling is not burning the fat (sorry emi, sorry chloe!). it is literally just lactic acid.
do 58.333333 hours of emi w0ng workouts and you will have lost just one pound!
in conclusion, she does not do hiit. you will not get the results of a hiit workout from an unstructured workout full of stretching. some of her exercises are not even executed properly.
"but after i finish her workout, i sweat and i am sore!"
by holding your arms up for a minute you will be sore too.
exercises are best with some sort of resistance. her exercises with some sort of resistance would have an effect, HOWEVER it will work a random muscle and not what she says.
i understand not wanting to build muscle. but really, you should want to burn fat in the most efficient and effective way possible.
the biggest problem, in my opinion, is the lack of structure. it is good to stretch, but you should stretch before and after a workout. not during it.
"but i lost weight!"
you would lose weight regardless because of menstrual cycles, better sleep or simply because most people reading this starve themselves.
no hate to emi w0ng. and not all of her exercises are bad, but they are not really as effective paired together.
let's be honest here: chloe tells you what you want to hear and you can find a video for all of your insecurities
lose weight in your legs, stomach... you can not spot reduce!!!
she recommends working out in the morning, when most people go for a walk in the morning to start their day. she talks about the fat burning zone, which occurs after the walk. according to her, you burn fat more efficiently when you do some cardio prior. and that is a myth.
her 220 minus your age does not work (heart rate). optimal fat burning zone does NOT exist. the more in shape you are, the higher your heart rate can go.
you are burning fat regardless, as long as you are not in a surplus of calories. it is a natural body process. that is why you lose fat when you fast for a certain period of time- your body is in a state of ketosis (or possibly autophagy)
you burn more fat when you burn more calories. so if your heart rate was 75% of your max, you would be burning more.
'go for a walk and have a conversation and see if you can talk'
no at this point im convinced 95% of her subscribers are morbidly obese, you have to be able to talk during a walk??
another disclaimer!
i am not making fun of morbidly obese people, but they should NOT be an example when it comes to fitness. they lose weight much easier.
'if your heart rate is above your optimal range, you're burning mostly glycogen and not fat'
that is FALSE. when doing exercise (even walking) you are still burning fat.
her logic is: if your heart rate is in a low zone, you are burning fat. FALSE.
her whole 'get your lymphatic system moving' is again nonsense. she does not even know what a lymphatic system is??
if you are not in a caloric deficit or burning calories, you will not lose fat. what she suggests doing in the morning will make you one pound lighter in 70 days.
my favourite thing from chloe?
her suggesting that you should limit your fruit intake. no, you need to limit your CALORIES and processed foods.
fruits are low in calories and full of antioxidants and nutrients.
and while I do agree with her on intermittent fasting, it is not the magical cure she makes it out to be.
when fasting, you can not eat whatever you want.
actually, her workouts are not even horrible! they are better than emi's. however, they are really basic and if you do not make changes to your eating, you will receive almost no results.
... other than the fact that she does not do some exercises properly. wall push-ups, for example.
i genuinely want to cry when she says 'feel the burn' no, again, that is lactic acid
just, honestly, do not do her arm workouts or ab workouts. her leg workouts are mostly fine
some daily life tasks burn more calories than her videos. while chloe>emi in terms of calories, it still is not much
you do not have to read any of this. all you need to do is see chloe do hannah öbergs exercises. she is NOT her own best advertisement.

this is the video. or just search up chloe tries hannah's new program
end of thread. feel free to privately message me about anything or just write it in the comments! :)
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