#depression #anxiety #agoraphobia


My name is Anne.
I am 45 woman-child with the life experience of a 25 yr old.

I am English, British and European.

Married for 5 yrs, together for 13.
I was diagnosed with Depressive Disorder and Agoraphobia in 1998.

I was diagnosed with Generalised Anxiety Disorder 2019.

I was diagnosed Breathing Pattern Disorder in 2020.

I am a recovering self-harmer.
I am not ashamed of my mental health because I know it's not my fault.

I am ashamed that I haven't worked in 20+ years even though that is due to my mental health.
I'm often mistaken for being younger than I am.

People quite often treat me differently when they find out I'm in my 40s.
I am ridiculously naive and sometimes too impressionable.

I talk about myself a lot because I don't really have anything else to talk about.
It's not fair on my husband that he's my only friend.

I don't like not having friends because sometimes I feel lonely.

I don't mind not having friends because I've discarded too many times.
I call my depressive episodes "Glitches".

I ramble when I'm having an episode.

I learnt a long time a go that rambling is better than keeping it in.
I want to be there for people who are like me.

I want to be there for people who are in pain.

I don't want anyone else to feel lonely.

That's all.

Thanks for reading.
You can follow @anannewithane.
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